
MSC Apex 2024.1 x64

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MSC Apex是一个新的高性能、功能强大的CAE软件,未来将成为MSC技术中的一个核心平台,但由于其开发是分阶段来实现的,目前MSC Apex Modeler是MSC Apex系列中的第一个实用的技术产品,为工程师提供了更加便捷的选择。MSC Apex Modeler是一个CAE工具,特别是直接建模和网格划分功能,提供了强大的CAD模型清理、简化和网格划分工作流程,解决方案功能强大,对于需要耗费大量工作时间在前处理工作上的模型来说,选用MSC Apex Modeler完成相应的前处理工作可以节省大量的工作时间。现阶段MSC有限元分析的一个比较好的解决方案为MSC Apex –MSC Patran – MSC Nastran,MSC Apex是MSC Patran和MSC Nastran有益的补充。

File Size: 8 GB

MSC Apex is a completely new software platform that is the basis for the implementation of new capabilities in the field of CAE modeling and analysis, a flexible, highly efficient component environment for the preparation of
FE models and their calculation using the finite element method (FE).

Main properties of MSC Apex
• Intuitiveness and simplicity – interaction with the components of the geometric model is carried out in a natural and familiar way for the user: dragging, completing, filling holes and gaps, scaling, etc. Due to the intuitiveness of actions on the model, mastering the work with the system occurs very quickly: an experienced user of CAE systems can learn MSC Apex in 1-2 days, and a beginner – in 3-4 days;

• Automation of work with the mesh — geometric modeling is accompanied by synchronous generation of the FE mesh. If the original model already contained a FE mesh, this mesh is automatically rebuilt, tracking changes in the geometry. The user can immediately see how his actions on the geometry affect the quality of the FE model;

• Minimization of time and effort spent on mastering the system due to the availability of training materials. Interactive instructions, examples for step-by-step implementation, video tutorials, a system for searching for the necessary program functions, as well as the ability to search through the help system are supplied with the system and are easily accessible from its interface;

What’s NewRead: MSC Apex 2024.1 English Release Guide.pdf





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