
MSC Actran 2024.2 x64

Actran dsgsd 48浏览 0评论


Actran 是一款重要的声学软件,用来解决声学、振动声学以及气动声学等问题。Actran 被一些最大型的汽车制造商、零部件供应商、航空航天与国防公司以及消费产品制造商所使用,用来帮助工程师们了解并改进其产品设计的声学性能。

Actran 提供了丰富的材料模型库、完整的单元库包括无限单元、用来解决大尺寸问题的高性能解算器、以及可根据需求高度定制的用户友好图形界面。根据这些模块属性,可按照您的应用情况和需求来部署 Actran。

File Size: 1.65 GB

Software package for acoustics analysis. Modeling of noise generation, propagation and absorption. External and internal acoustics, vibroacoustics, aeroacoustics, noise of gas turbine engines.

Actran is a software package for modeling the occurrence, propagation and absorption of sound in acoustic environments (air, water, etc.). A fully coupled vibroacoustic formulation allows for the mutual influence of the acoustic environment and the structure. In cases where the influence of the environment on the structure can be neglected, it is possible to take into account one-way communication; this simplifies modeling and increases the calculation speed.


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