
Houdini School – HS-118 – Attributes

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Houdini School – HS-118 – Attributes

Understanding Attributes is fundamental to successfully building projects in Houdini. In this recorded class, you will focus on building your core knowledge, demystifying Attributes, discussing how to create them, and most importantly explaining how they are integrated into Houdini. Class topics include basic Geometry components, clarification of the terminology, different creation & management methods, as well as exploration of differences between VEX, HScript, and Python. After this class, you will have a clearer understanding of how to build attributes, troubleshoot common issues, and extract the data you need for your projects.

Session 1


This session will focus on the core foundations of understanding geometry components, what attributes actually are, their classes & types, as well as the precedence the data order takes.

Geometry components
What are attributes?
Attribute classes & types
Geometry spreadsheet

Session 2

Reading, Writing, and Organization

This session will focus on what attributes are NOT, VEX, VOPs, HScript, Python, Local & Global variables, $ versus @, creation methods, writing methods available to customize your own attribute data, as well as parameter usage.

What are attributes NOT?
Creation methods
Reading methods
Attribute SOP nodes
Global vs Local / $ vs @

Session 3

Native Attributes

This session will focus on reviewing and using native attributes Houdini provides, and in some cases requires to perform various simulation tasks. Lots of example builds will be shown, including RBD, FLIP, Vellum, Crowds, and Viewport GL features.

Attribute database PDF
Examples: RBD
Examples: FLIP
Examples: Vellum
Examples: Crowds
Examples: Viewport GL



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