Mentor Graphics公司Mechanical Analysis部门(原Flomerics公司)提供世界上最先进的计算流体动力学的产品。我们的模拟软件和咨询服务消除错误,降低成本,在实验样品建立之前加快和优化涉及到传热和流体流动的设计。
Flowmaster 软件被各种工程专业人员用于改进复杂的内流管网系统,包括从一些概念想法到最终的设计。Flowmaster 在系统开发周期前为用户提供强大的系统洞察力和预见能力,极大缩短了整个研发周期。
2012年1月9日,Mentor Graphics 宣布收购在一维计算流体力学CFD领域处于全球领先地位的Flowmaster公司。一维CFD解决方案能够快速有效地开展相关复杂内流管网系统的工程设计,如水冷式电子机箱、汽车热管理和航空燃油系统。这一收购使得Mentor Graphics进入相邻的CAE 机械分析领域,巩固了其在EDA领域一直保持的领导者地位。
Mentor Graphics Flowmaster v7.x | 1.05GB
Flowmaster® is the leading general purpose 1D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solution for modeling and analysis of fluid mechanics and pipe flow in complex systems early in the development process.
It helps systems engineers to simulate pressure surge, temperature and fluid flow rates system-wide and to understand how design alterations, component size, selection and operating conditions will affect the overall fluid system performance accurately and quickly.
Advanced thermo-fluid system modeling and simulation enables user to analyze real-life conditions
Versatile steady state and transient simulation of incompressible and compressible systems with heat transfer analysis
Pressure surge analysis, temperature and fluid flowrate prediction
Extensive catalog of component models with built-in empirical data
Fast batch simulation analysis
Pipe Flow balancing for optimizing component sizes
Customizable components
Multi-fluid simulation, secondary air and air conditioning
Secure traceable data & design collaboration enables analysis of complex designs when needed, where needed
Secure storage of networks, performance data, components and results in an industry standard relational database
Audit trail & tracking of model design history with ‘roll back’ functionality
Administration controls for user access permissions to project data
Database synchronization to enable engineers to work safely onsite, offline from the server
An open system providing users the freedom to customize and extend simulation ability
Mentor Graphics Flowmaster v7.9.2.3
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