StartMenuX(Win8开始菜单)是一款非常不错的Windows系统开始菜单的替换工具,它比较适合安装有超过软件,用系统自带菜单无法快速找到你想要的程序的用户。启动菜单 X可以在不改变它们在硬盘中的位置的情况下按程序的用途(办公应用、图片处理等)对程序一一进行分组,你还能够最菜单设置不同的显示风格,经过试用启动菜单 Х可完美的支持WinXP、Vista、7以及最新的Win8操作系统。
Start Menu X is a replacement of the system menu for professionals. Power users are a lot more demanding, and it’s not surprising – instead of a petty dozen of programs they have hundreds! This means that they need a solution developed by professionals for professionals. Find out how to find and launch programs without scrolling, extra clicks and moves – this is Start Menu X.
Key Features:
– Single-click launch. The PRO version allows you to assign a primary program to any folder and start it simply by clicking this folder.
– Virtual Groups. Group programs by purpose (office applications, graphics, etc) without changing their location on the hard drive.
– Flexible configuration. Customize the menu to your taste! Change the structure and add tabs.
– Years of experience. Start Menu X is an embodiment of 7-year experience in developing alternative menu solutions.
Start Menu X Pro 5.30 Multilanguage
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