
Turbo Dismount v1.7-ALiAS

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Turbo Dismount《车祸英雄》这款另类游戏,它是Stair Dismount Universal《跳楼英雄》的续作。在《跳楼英雄》中,玩家的目标非常简单,把一个站在高处的木头人推下去,木头人受到的损伤越大,你的得分越高。你可以选择推人的部位和力道,计算好木头人坠落的轨迹,最好能使他撞到最多的障碍物,让其粉身碎骨就是你的终极目标!这是一款彻头彻尾的恶搞风游戏,反人类指数可是不低。

而在续作Turbo Dismount《车祸英雄》中,游戏的反人类黑暗指数更是直线上升,可怜的木头人被安排坐在不同型号的车辆中,或是在公路上被来来往往的车撞个不停,或是直接驾车冲向一堵墙!总之还是那个宗旨,木头人损伤越大,得分越高!

ALiAS has released the newest build of indie game “Turbo Dismount” for PC.

Description: Turbo Dismount is a kinetic tragedy about Mr. Dismount and the cars who love him. It is the official sequel to the wildly popular and immensely successful personal impact simulator – Stair Dismount.

The highlights of this experience are multiple vehicles, an awesome replay system, level editing features, high-speed physics and an indiscriminate sense of style.

The purpose of the game is simple – damage awards points. It is up to you to try different combinations of obstacles, vehicles, poses and levels to make it to the top of the leaderboards. To support friendly rivalry, Turbo Dismount supports placing a photo of your friend on the face of Mr. Dismount – such a delightful way to express one’s emotions!

Minimum System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 or better
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX9 compatible graphics card
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Hard Drive: 300 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Any

Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation
Developer: Secret Exit Ltd.
Publisher: Secret Exit Ltd.

Release Name: Turbo.Dismount.v1.7-ALiAS
Size: 60.6 MB
Links: HomepageSteamNFO

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