
Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2016 1.3.0 Multilanguage

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Ashampoo Anti-Virus 1.0.0 Multilanguage

想要安全的保护好自己的数据又不想牺牲性能和速度,Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014 就是您的需要。

依靠强大的自动实时防护以及频繁的更新,Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014 为您提供可靠的保护,防御各种已知和未知的网络安全威胁。而且它非常安静不显眼,不会限制您的自由使用。

  • 安全性强,资源占用低:高性能的实时防护,绝不拖慢您的电脑
  • 先进的防护功能,新手也能用:自动检测和查杀各种威胁,无需用户操作
  • 永远最新,永久保护:频繁的自动更新,使程序总是保持最新,防御各种最新的威胁

Ashampoo Anti-Virus 1.x Multilingual | 192.8 MB

You don’t have to sacrifice speed and comfort over security when you protect your data with Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014. With powerful automated real-time protection and frequent updates, Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014 offers reliable protection against all common Internet security threats, known and unknown. And it does so in a very discrete and unobtrusive manner without restricting your freedom of use.

Security Components
• Real-time protection: Neutralizes attacks as they happen
• Behavior Blocker: Monitors application behavior and prevents even not yet classified threats such as zero-day exploits
• On-Access Guard: Neutralizes infection attempts during file operations.
• Multi-Engine Scanner: Combines two scan engines for maximum accuracy
• Customizable whitelist to exclude files from scan
• Web protection: Prevents access to malicious websites
• Game mode: Handles all security issues automatically to ensure uninterrupted gameplay
• Self-protection: Vital program parts are encrypted to prevent the circumvention of security measures

User Interface
• Intuitive overview page with quick access to all program areas
• Logically arranged tabs
• Flat widget hierarchy without complex nested dialogs

Ashampoo Anti-Virus 1.0.2

System Utilities
• File Wiper: Protect your privacy and permanently erase files and folders to render them unrecoverable for file restoration tools. It is also possible, to overwrite empty hard disk space to prevent restoration of already deleted files.
• Internet Cleaner: Remove your Internet traces and delete temporary Internet files, clear your browser cache and erase your browsing history.
• Hostfile Checker: Scans your Windows hostfile for unwanted DNS redirects
• ADS Scanner: Scan NTFS drives for invisible data streams and remove them
• StartUp Tuner: Improve the startup time of your PC and disable unnecessary Autostart entries.
• LSP Viewer: Manage Winsock-Layers and network activity

OS : Windows® XP, Windows Vista® (32bit/64bit), Windows® 7 (32bit/64bit), Windows® 8 (32bit/64bit)
Language : Multilingual

Home Page – http://www.ashampoo.com

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