
Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2015 Multilingual

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Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC是全新的系统加速软件,有自动释放内存、测试/优化网路连线带宽、CPU 优化、启动项目管理、防止系统当机的功能,解决内存不足之难题。SpeedUpMyPC通过自动调整您所有的资源让您一直处于电脑的最佳性能状态下操作。

尽管电脑中安装了最新的系统,但用户们发现他们仍然很难控制电脑中所有的资源和设置来提高他们所购买的系统的运行速度和性能。而拥有了With SpeedUpMyPC,尽管您不是一名Windows专家,您也能够监控和管理您电脑中的所有资源,并且在几分钟内自动增强性能和系统稳定性。

Uniblue RegistryBooster是注册表/系统清理修复软件,它能够有效的清理,修复并优化您的系统性能,系统注册表中大量的残留文件,恢复被删除的未运行过的驱动程序,以及错误的或不合法的注册登录信息。

Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2015 Multilingual | 18 MB

Is your PC getting slower? With so many different settings, files and processes to monitor, it is hard to identify just what is slowing you down, let alone implement the necessary technical adjustments to recover speed and performance. SpeedUpMyPC scans your computer to identify slowdown issues hindering speed, before wielding a powerful range of tools to optimize your system for improved performance. Slowdown issues, such as invalid registry entries are removed and unused processes deactivated to improve system responsiveness. The result is a computer that works faster and better.

SpeedUpMyPC combines a professional range of tools to boost your computer’s performance. The program will first scan your system to identify unused processes and invalid registry entries that are causing data bottlenecks and slowdowns. Once the issues have been resolved, SpeedUpMyPC will apply a variety of special Uniblue tools and tweaks designed to sharpen up overall system performance.

Now enhanced with powerful speed tools, SpeedUpMyPC will also regulate RAM and CPU function, shutting off unnecessary background processes and synchronizing tasks for quicker execution.

Although SpeedUpMyPC offers optimizations that are chosen specifically for your PC, most users enjoy several of the following benefits:
• Faster computer start up
• Reduced system slowdown
• A more responsive Windows OS
• Free up CPU resources
• Quicker program launches
• Faster search in your Windows OS
• A cleaner and healthier registry

Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2014 Multilingual

SpeedUpMyPC delivers an easy but commanding computer speed up. Amongst other features, SpeedUpMyPC offers:
• Numerous powerful and effective speed up tweaks
• Special Uniblue tools to improve performance
• An elegant, easy to use interface
• A management centre offering simplified controls for the program’s technical functions.

Home Page – http://www.uniblue.com/software/speedupmypc/

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