
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition MULTi9-PROPHET

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《暗黑血统2》仍旧由前作开发商Vigil Game制作,由THQ发行,前作一经发售便大获好评,尝到成功之时,THQ便暗示系续作已经在开发中,但直到前日都消息甚少,今日终于揭开神秘面纱。   游戏的故事是天堂与地狱之间的永恒战争,新作《暗黑血统2》将为玩家提供更丰富的游戏体验,探索更多的地下城,与更多的NPC交谈,更细致的道具收集系统。前作主角天启四骑士之一War的兄弟死神(Death)成为本作的主角,在深渊中穿行,试图重新拾回在浩劫中消亡的人性。

Our story begins with the death of Gustav Platte, your father’s older brother. In this world, he was a strong and dour man, who had seen much of the world and partook in his fair share of sins. None will dare to guess what awaits him in the next world. Through the many festivities he participated in he never seemed to revel in them. His eyes held a heaviness only matched by the weight of his flail. Some joked that this heaviness suggested the man had passed through Iron Forest. And at times it was hard to say, whether they were jokes at all.

The tale begins with a death, but it will not be last before the story’s conclusion.

Gustav’s estate was divided in accordance with his will. Felsen Castle and the adjoining villages passed into your brother’s ownership. Other relatives partitioned the estate of Ludahof, the land and a fortune worth several thousand guldens. You, however, inherited just a sword and a small casket. You opened the latter to find two objects.

The one was a metal oak leaf similar in size to a real one. At first it seemed a decoration to you but you knew the difference between silver and steel. The edge pierced your hand and you wondered who would make a decoration that could wound? Curious, you scrutinized the leaf closer. The veins were were so thin, its folds and imperfections so true to life. The spots and the play of shading was unlike any engraving you had ever seen that there was no doubt in your mind that this was not made by a human hand…

The other object inside the casket was a map.

Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Developer: Gunfire Games , Vigil Games , Nordic Games
Publisher: Nordic Games

Release Name: Darksiders.II.Deathinitive.Edition.MULTi9-PROPHET
Size: 14.6 GB
Links: HomepageSteamNFO

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