
Siemens PLM Software NX Nastran 9.0 Linux 64bit

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Siemens PLM Software NX Nastran 9.0

NX Nastran 是一个高级计算机辅助工程(CAE)工具,全球主要制造商都采用该工具来满足关键的工程计算需求,以越来越短的设计周期时间创建安全丶可靠和优化的设计。在过去三十年间,Nastran几乎成了每个主要行业的首选分析解决方案,这些行业包括航空航天丶国防丶汽车丶造船丶重型机械丶医疗和消费品 - 成了应力丶振动丶结构失效/耐久性丶热传递丶噪音/声学和颤动/气动弹性计算机辅助分析的行业标准。

NX Nastran 解决方案
NX Nastran 是为扩展企业提供的一个独立解决方案,一般在联网的服务器CPU上运行,支持NX或其它CAE解决方案提供商提供的多个用户丶多个站点和/和多个有限元预处理和后处理应用软件。

 Siemens PLM Software NX Nastran 9.0 | 1.3 Gb


NX Nastran is the premier finite element structural analysis solver for linear and nonlinear analysis, dynamic response, rotor dynamics, aeroelasticity and optimization. The NX Nastran 9 release further extends solution types and results, in addition to a number of computational performance and engineering workflow improvements.

– Discipline and Physical Domain Extensions NX Nastran 9 – Discipline and Physical Domain Extensions In NX Nastran 9, laminate composite ply results for transient dynamics solutions outputs stress/strain information for individual lamina.
– Root mean square (RMS) von Mises stress is now included in the output for those elements that support von Mises stress calculation when computing the response of a structure due to random loads.
– Rotor gyroscopic and damping forces for rotor dynamics can now be computed in a linear static solution (SOL 101).
– Computational Performance and Numerical Accuracy NX Nastran 9 – Computational Performance and Numerical Accuracy In NX Nastran 9, an in-core frequency response method takes advantage of large amount of RAM and multiple CPUs to improve both serial and SMP solutions by as much as 50 percent.
– RDMODES performance improvements in version 9 reduce input/output operations. This can reduce overall elapsed time by as much as 50 percent, as in the case of a car body model containing 384,000 elements, 391,000 grids, and 2,300,000 degrees of freedom.
– Ease of Modeling and Engineering Workflow NX Nastran 9 – Ease of Modeling and Engineering Workflow NX Nastran 9 provides bolt preload with 3D solid elements for nonlinear analysis using CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA, or CPYRAM elements for solution 601.
– RFORCE1 bulk entry is now available in nonlinear solutions 601 and 701, allowing you to apply an angular velocity and/or acceleration inertia load to the grid points associated with specific elements.

About Siemens Industry Automation Division

The Siemens Industry Automation Division (Nuremberg, Germany) supports the entire value chain of its industrial customers – from product design to production and services – with an unmatched combination of automation technology, industrial control technology, and industrial software. With its software solutions, the Division can shorten the time-to-market of new products by up to 50 percent. Industry Automation comprises five Business Units: Industrial Automation Systems, Control Components and Systems Engineering, Sensors and Communications, Siemens PLM Software, and Water Technologies.

Name: Siemens PLM Software
Version: NX Nastran 9.0
Home: www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Interface: english
OS: Linux 64bit
Size: 1.3 Gb

Special Thanks Team-SolidSQUAD

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