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《阿什本(Ashbourne)》是Endemic Interactive制作发行的一款带有冒险元素以及写实元素的动作角色扮演游戏。《阿什本》是一个非幻想、开放世界的动作角色扮演游戏。玩家将扮演Alexander Marshal,一个Endewyn帝国的骑士,为保护Endewyn帝国的利益、荣誉和它的人民而战斗。

Description: Ashbourne is a non-fantasy open world role-playing game set in an immersive 15th century world. Take on the role of Alexander Marshal, a knight of the Endewyn empire, as you battle on behalf of your empire with the aim of protecting Endewyn’s honour, and it’s people. Players will help to lead Endewyn to battle, wiping out enemies and anything else that stands in the way.


  • Quest-based story, with optional side activites.
    Follow the quest-based story of Ashbourne through Alexander’s eyes, with optional side activities around the world to complete.Fluid combat system, allowing different styles of combat.
    Ashbourne’s contains a fluid combat system which allows players to deliver fatal attacks to enemies using an array of deadly weapons, all of which have different styles of combat which the player can adapt to.Immersive 15th century world.
    Ashbourne is based in an immersive and largely dynamic medieval 15th century world, dynamic lighting, weather and time of day can allow different atmospheres and NPC behaviour whilst exploring.Multi-choice dialogue system.
    The player’s choice of dialogue can alter the path which they follow in the world. Tied into a respect and loyalty system, values fluctuate based on dialogue choices and actions.Economy.
    Sell unneeded goods found around the world to merchants for extra money, or you can gamble for coin by playing Alea in any tavern in Endemyr.

Genre: Violent, Action, Adventure, RPG
Developer: Endemic Interactive
Publisher: Endemic Interactive

Release Name: Ashbourne-PLAZA
Size: 3.79 GB
Links: STEAM | NFO

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