从最初阶段的原理图设计到最后的施工管理,SketchUp Pro 可提供全程帮助。编程、制图、体量、设计开发、细部、文档编制、响应到 RFI——任何需要图纸之处,您就需要 SketchUp Pro。
- 优质商品,欲购从速
谁会想要复杂的 CAD 软件?SketchUp 无疑是世界上最直观的 3D 绘图工具,易学易用。
- 通过 3D 绘画思考
我们将 SketchUp 设计为您的第三只手,让您随心所欲地绘图。
- 创建准确、详细的模型
SketchUp 精确到千分之一英寸,因此您可以按照自己的需求设计、指定和计划或多或少的细节。
SketchUp 并非单纯的 3D 建模工具。使用 LayOut 可绘制平面图、立面图、细部、标题栏等等。更改模型后,文档也可随之更改,简单又方便。
- 生成演示文档
有了 LayOut,您就拥有页面设计、绘制草图、矢量图和幻灯片演示的能力:诠释一切的万能工具。
- 创建引人注目的漫游
使用 SketchUp Pro 将您的模型变成地面漫游和空中飞越动画,详尽解释每一个细节…….
There’s a reason SketchUp is synonymous with friendly and forgiving 3D modeling software: we don’t sacrifice usability for the sake of functionality. Start by drawing lines and shapes. Push and pull surfaces to turn them into 3D forms. Stretch, copy, rotate and paint to make anything you like. If you want to be productive within a couple of hours, you’ve come to the right place.
Find a 3D model of anything
Why model everything from scratch? Whether it’s a chair for the room you’re designing or a rhino for your zoo, you’ll find almost anything you need in SketchUp’s 3D Warehouse, the world’s biggest repository of free 3D models. And anyone can use 3D Warehouse to store and share models. Upload your best work and become a SketchUp legend.
Turn models into documents
At some point in most 3D projects, you’ll need to turn your model into a set of drawings that gets the point across. LayOut in SketchUp Pro lets you add model views to pages, choose drawing scales, adjust line weights, and add dimensions, callouts, and graphics. Make a change to your SketchUp model, and find it reflected automatically in LayOut. And when it’s time, export PDFs, images and CAD files.
Make SketchUp yours
SketchUp is meant to be customized. Thanks to our Ruby API and an amazing community of developers, today you can explore an entire universe of extensions. These are add-on tools built to solve the kind of 3D modeling problems that might otherwise leave you scratching your head. Need to draw 3D moldings? There’s an extension for that. Wouldn’t it be cool to bend your models to fit a curve? That’s possible, too. Photorealistic rendering? Definitely. If you can imagine a SketchUp extension, chances are it already exists.
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.sketchup.com/
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