
Nimble Quest v1.0.8-TE

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《Nimble Quest》是一款融合了跑酷元素的休闲 RPG,玩家要组建由一支不同职业构成的冒险者小队,然后带领着这支小队去刷怪,战斗模式是快速便捷的自动遇敌战斗,小队人数最大可以有 11 人,玩家拖着长长的一条“尾巴”一路血拼到底,直到小队成员全部光荣牺牲为止。消灭怪物以后掉落的宝石可以收集起来,后面用于升级小队成员的能力,能力提升之后,就可以在战斗中生存更长时间。

 Group TE has released small pc game called “Nimble Quest”. Enjoy!

Description: Nimble Quest! Lead a conga line of heroes to glory against hordes of enemies across an endless number of stages. How many enemies can you defeat? Steer your unstoppable (seriously, you can’t stop) party as they cut a path of destruction through levels filled with different enemies and power-ups. Unlock and level up heroes to increase the size of your party and make them more powerful. Can your party make it from the tranquility of the Forest to the fire and brimstone of the Depths?

Tired of competing alone? Join a guild and compete with other players in special time-limited Guild Quests. Is your guild skilled enough to top the global leaderboards?

Release Name: Nimble.Quest.v1.0.8-TE
Size: 37.86 MB

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