
PG Music Band-in-a-Box with RealBand PlusPAK 2014

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全世界的音乐家、学者和词曲作者都在使用Band-in-a-Box 软件进行音乐制作,并从中获得了不少乐趣。请点击页面上论坛和访客留言本的链接,可以和其他 Band-in-a-Box 简体中文软件用户聊天,并且,看看他们是如何评价该软件的。


Band-in-a-Box 软件是一个强大的并且充满全新创意的音乐制作工具,可以将您的音乐创意即时予以实现。经过多年开发,不断加入了许多新的功能,包括记谱、钢琴卷帘谱、 歌词显示、旋律轨、和弦编配、风格制作器和风格选取器。 独奏生成器和旋律生成器具有非常受欢迎的“智能”特点。独奏生成器可以生成基于任一级和弦的专业品质的独奏,Band-in-a-Box软件可以上百种风格生成“类似于专业品质的独奏”。 旋律生成器可以通过一个包含和弦、旋律、前奏、独奏甚至原始唱片的片断来创建乐曲(只要您有创意,Band-in-a-Box软件就可以帮您实现自己的创意!)


运行在Windows 系统下的Band-in-a-Box软件同时具备了MIDI和数字音频功能,这使得该软件成为一个完美的音乐制作工具,可以用于创建、播放和录制包括MIDI、现场人声和现场乐器的乐曲。Band-in-a-Box软件也可以处理DirectX 音频效果的现场录音, 其内置的 TC Helicon 音频和声将会使音频音轨分解为多个和声分部,或者在旋律音高追踪模式中对一个音轨进行相应更改。这些业界闻名的音频和声风格包括“音高风格”—— 现实人声的颤音和scooping效果。请尝试如低音歌手、经典摇滚、百老汇或者歌剧院男高音等效果,Band-in-a-Box软件提供了不止30种的预置人声风格。


您可以打印出您制作完成的作品,带有反复和尾奏、DC 反复标记和终止记号,或者将其保存为一个图片文件用于网上发布或者将其e-mail给您的朋友。如果您准备好了要让别人试听一下您的作品,您可以直接将其刻录在CD上。您也可以将您所创作的乐曲 保存为一个Windows多媒体文件或其它压缩格式的文件以便于网上传输。

使用Band-in-a-Box 软件,您可以从一个新的空白和弦窗口开始,直至完成乐曲的编配,包括谱页和全部的音频文件制作,都可以用该软件完成!这也是为什么全世界的音乐家、学者和词曲作者都说Band-in-a-Box 软件对于任何想要进行音乐制作的人都是必不可少的原因。

 PG Music Band-in-a-Box with RealBand PlusPAK 2014 | 604.1 MB


Band-in-a-Box is so easy to use! Just type in the chords for any song using standard chord symbols (like C, Fm7, or C13b9), choose the style you’d like, and Band-in-a-Box does the rest… Band-in-a-Box automatically generates a complete professional-quality arrangement of piano, bass, drums, guitar, and strings or horns.
RealTracks add the human element of great session musicians to your songs and version 2014 offers some of the most exciting new RealTracks yet! Along with 101 new RealTracks there are 3 Unreleased Bonus RealTracks Sets including Pop Strings. Plus, version 2014 has a great new look with a redesigned GUI, 54 MIDI SuperTracks and 36 Artist Performances, new Hi-Q MIDI sounds and much more!

We’re very excited to offer one of our biggest upgrades! Band-in-a-Box 2014 includes over 50 great new features and enhancements, 101 more amazing RealTracks, 54 MIDI SuperTracks, 36 Artist Performances and that’s not all.

The GUI has been redesigned with a great new look and many time-saving enhancements! The Toolbars and Song Title Area have been redone, and the chord sheet now has a “Real” looking handwritten font for chords. We’ve added UserTracks. Now you can make your own RealTracks to add to your song. Plus there’s a handy Instant Preview of styles, RealTracks, and RealDrums so that you can quickly audition them to choose the best ones for your song. Loops now support Acidized Loops. A Legato Strings feature that automatically optimizes MIDI string parts to prevent retriggering the same notes, a new Master Volume allows you to boost volumes of all songs with one setting, 8 new Hi-Q MIDI sounds, and many more…

NEW! 101 more RealTracks with great new Jazz, Rock-Pop, and Country Styles. These include:

28 Jazz RealTracks: Introducing the “Jazz Pollwinners” series of Jazz Artist RealTracks. These new RealTracks are by the best-of-the-best jazz musicians. These artists have won Downbeat’s Critics “best player” poll many times. Our Pollwinners RealTracks series includes Ron Carter (“bass”), Kenny Barron (“piano”), Lewis Nash (“drums”), Gary Smulyan (“baritone sax”), Phil Woods (“alto sax”), and Pat Martino (“guitar”). Styles for jazz swing, ballad, waltz and bossa included. And there are new RealTracks for Jazz Electric Piano, and EZ-Listening Jazz Acoustic Piano.
32 Country RealTracks: We’ve got great a new New Orleans RealTracks band (piano, drums, bass , guitar) headed by piano sensation Kevin McKendree. Nashville Guitar legend Brent Mason returns with two new Nylon String accompaniment RealTracks (tempo 85 and 120) and two new soloists: Crossover (tempo 75, swing 16ths), and Promise (tempo 100, Even 16ths). Nine Folk, Celtic and Country styles are added for Irish Bouzouki. New Country Waltzes, Shuffles, and Soloists by award winning artists: John Jarvis-piano CMA winner, Rob Ickes-resonator (13 time winner International Bluegrass Player of the Year), and Andy Leftwich-mandolin.
41 Rock-Pop RealTracks: Hot New Orleans Boogie styles added (piano, bass, drums, guitar). Horn Section Background ‘Pad’ style added. Funky Electric Piano and Clav from piano legend John Jarvis. 60’s/70;s funk grooves – bass, piano and drums. New Dance Synth tracks. Baritone Sax Blues backgrounds and more!

System Requirements

Windows 2000 / NT / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 (32 or 64-bit)
Minimum 512 MB RAM
Hard Disk space: Minimum 800 MB for the main Band-in-a-Box and RealBand programs. More space is required for RealTracks, depending on which package
RealTracks & RealDrums: ~100-400 MB per set
Sound card or MIDI module


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