
JetBrains WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 Final

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JetBrains WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 FinalWebStorm 是jetbrains公司旗下一款JavaScript 开发工具。被广大中国JS开发者誉为“Web前端开发神器”、“最强大的HTML5编辑器”、“最智能的JavaSscript IDE”等。

与IntelliJ IDEA同源,继承了IntelliJ IDEA强大的JS部分的功能。

· 基于DOM,特定浏览器完成 
· 编码导航和用法查询 
· 支持ECMAScript 
· 支持CoffeeScript 
· 支持结点 
· JavaScript重构
· JavaScript单元测试 
· 代码检测和快速修复 
· JSLint/JSHint 
· 基于 Mozilla的JavaScript调试器
· 批量代码分析 
· 编码语言混合或内混 
· 拼写检查器 
· 重复代码检测器
· 支持HTML5 
· 检验和快速修复 
· Zen编码 
· 显示内容 
· 显示应用的风格
· HTML5样本文件和其他Web应用程序模板 
· FTP和远程文件同步 
· 集成了版本控制系统 
· 本地记录

 JetBrains WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 Final | 137 MB

WebStorm is a powerful JavaScript IDE and HTML editor that provides you with a large set of tools to help you create websites. The editor understands your code, its structure and offers you code completion that you expect. Full coding assistance is offered even for language mixtures such as HTML inside JavaScript strings. Hundreds of language specific code inspections analyse the whole project as you type and show you the identified problems before you open the browser. Intelligent quick-fixes offer instant solutions.

Support for cutting edge web dev technologies such as HTML5, Node.js, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Dart, EJS, Handlebars, Mustache, Web Components, Stylus, LESS, Sass, Jade and JSLint/JSHint.

Key Features:

DOM-Based, Browser-Specific Completion:
JavaScript code completion for keywords, labels, variables, parameters and functions is DOM-based and supports popular browsers specifics (IE, Firefox, etc.) The completion is available for both standard and user-defined functions in *.js files, HTML event handlers and everywhere else where appropriate.
ECMAScript Harmony Support:
For those who prefer to stay one step ahead, WebStorm presents experimental support of a new ongoing ECMAScript version code-named Harmony. To try out new features, set ECMAScript Harmony to be the JavaScript language version in the IDE settings.
CoffeeScript & TypeScript:
Keeping pace with the newest technologies coming to the scene, WebStorm offers you CoffeeScript support ‘hot off the press’. CoffeeScript is a programming language that compiles to JavaScript and enhances its brevity and readability, while also adding some sophisticated features like array comprehension and pattern matching. WebStorm offers you:
code navigation and completion
rename refactoring
syntax highlighting
error checking
find usages
automatic compilation/transpilation
debugging with sourcemaps
JavaScript Refactoring:
Refactoring capabilities provided for JavaScript allow you to easily modify the code structure as well as undo the modifications.

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