
Eisenberg Einklang 1.1.0 UNLOCKED x32/x64

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Eisenberg Einklang 1.1.0 UNLOCKED

 Eisenberg Einklang 1.1.0 UNLOCKED | 1.65 Gb

EINKLANG is a synthesizer following a complete new paradigm of sound generation. Instead of synthesizing sounds like traditional synthesizers according to a set of technical parameters (i.e. amplitudes, frequencies, spectra…), EINKLANG re-synthesizes sounds using instrument models. These instrument models can not only be tweaked directly in their musical parameters (i.e. loudness, pitch, timbre…) but also be morphed from one tone color to another.

These key features allow the user to think in plain sounds rather than mathematical equations and to control EINKLANG with few but very powerful musical parameters. The instrument models are based on Artificial Intelligence Studio Technology (AIST) that allows synthesizers to understand the structures of sounds, and remember specific nuances of different instruments. So the musician can concentrate on musical aspects, while the synthesizer does all of the underlying technical processing.

EINKLANG’s graphical user interface (GUI) stands out with its sleek and intuitive design. Located on the right side, you find the triangle morphing field. This remarkable feature empowers you to morph between three different tone colors, with ease. Located on the left side you find musical parameters for controlling the instrument models and the synthesized sounds. The parameters are arranged in three usefull groups: loudness, timbre and modulation. Every parameter can be controlled by MIDI and recorded in a DAW (e.g. Ableton Live, Steinberg Cubase/Nuendo, Apple Logic, and many others).

Morph Triangle
The morph triangle has three slots for tone colors, one in each corner. The colored gem inside the morph triangle can be moved around and determines the morph ratio for the three tone colors to form a new one. This is similar to a painter mixing a new color from three existing colors on his palette. When placed in one of the corners the corresponding tone color is heard solo. When slid along the sides of the triangle only two tone colors are morphed excluding the third one.

Think Sound – Think Music
Morph a choir to a flute, or a guitar to a French horn, or anything you can imagine. For example, if you have a specific organ sound in mind, just take the 3 closest ones and morph around until you find your perfect personal setting. Without having to dig into organ draw bar theory. Or think of a synthesizer you really like the sound of but don’t want to learn all of its controls? Just take three sounds you like most and place them in each slot. Morph around, let EINKLANG’s engine take care of the specific synthesizer’s theoretical background. Find your very own sound and change it in real time while you play. 

Re-inventing the triangle
The triangle in its unique simplicity can be divided into infinite self-similar sub-shapes. Important points in the morphing relation between different tone colors can be represented in distinctive geometrical positions. The triangle is the only geometric shape that allows you to morph three tone colors in any ratio. Other more complex shapes and approaches fail to achieve this and only produce a sound mess in their mid-position.

Different sounds create different colors
EINKLANG is the first synthesizer to introduce a strong synesthetic link between sound and color. It enables you to morph one sound into any other, just as white light is able to travel through the entire color spectrum in additive color synthesis. While using the morphing field, all GUI controls adapt in color. When you morph three tone colors together as one, everything is illuminated in pure white. It’s all in EINKLANG.

Musical Parameters
The Artificial Intelligence Studio Technology used in EINKLANG’s instrument models is capable of understanding the structures of sounds, and remembering specific nuances of different instruments. This enables you to change them more realistically. E.g. lowering the pitch of a cello affects its timbre completely differently than lowering the pitch of a French horn. EINKLANG’s instrument models are not static, as you may know examples from traditional synthesizers or samplers, but very lively and responsive to pitch and velocity changes on your keyboard.

EINKLANG lets you individually tweak any of the created sounds in terms of their musical qualities. Change the Harmonicity of any harmonic sound. Turn a choir singing, into a choir whispering or transform a woodwind sound into a waterfall. Detune your electric piano by turning up the Dissonance, giving it a classic honky tonk effect. You can even detune a single string of a cello in itself, meaning: detuning its overtones – something physically impossible for monophonic one-dimensional resonators such as a single string. 

Loudness and Modulation 
Even EINKLANG’s parameters that seem familiar to you, like the Loudness envelope and the Modulation section, affect the sounds in greater depth than you would expect, thanks to EINKLANGs powerful AIST engine. 

Take your string sound and make it pizzicato, by turning up the Percussion. Increase the Modulation of your sound. EINKLANG’s engine knows and applies the natural ratio of vibrato and tremolo for each sound, while traditional synthesizers just throw an LFO onto the signal’s frequency and amplitude. 

Generally speaking, what takes dozens of technical knobs in traditional synthesizers can be done with one in EINKLANG.

Release notes:

Presets are included in /Presets.
TonePackWhite does not include any *.prs presets.



Home Page – http://www.eisenberg-audio.de/einklang

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Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132075
Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132076
Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part3.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132078
Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part4.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132079
Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part5.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132080
Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part6.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132081
Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part7.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132082
Eisenberg.Einklang.v1.1.0.UNLOCKED-R2R.part8.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/54132083

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