
Intergraph CAESAR II 2013 R1 v6.10

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Intergraph CAESAR II 2013 R1
CAESAR II 压力管道应力分析专业软件,它既可以分析计算静态分析,也可进行动态分析。CAESARII 向用户提供完备的国际上的通用管道设计规范,软件使用方便快捷。
输入和建模 :  
  阀门库、弹簧库(包括中国电力中国石化弹簧库)、膨胀节库和法兰库,并且允许用户扩 展自己的库 专业提供CAD/CAM/CAE/CFD/GIS/EDA/AI/FEM软件
CAESARII 进行静态分析时通常使用软件推荐的荷载工况来满足管道规范应力要求。对于特殊情况,用户可改变荷载工况,增加或减少载荷工况。目前,CAESARII软件 最多可定义99个不同的载况。 CAESARII允许分析管道和钢结构一体的复合模型,用户可得到管道-钢结构非线性作用计算和图形结果。
  弹簧设计选择。程序提供许多制造商的弹簧库。CAESARII允许在多个热工况下,选择冷态或热态吊零,使用标准或扩充的载荷范围来选择弹簧。它根据建议的操作和安装位置从弹 簧制造商提供的弹簧库中选择合适的弹簧支架。
  管嘴柔性和应力的计算。程序包括WRC297、API650和BS5500定义的管嘴柔性,它根据WRC297、WRC107和ASME Section VIII Division2 计算管嘴和容器应力。
  法兰泄漏及应力。程序包括简单的法兰泄露检查,根据ANSI B16.5和ASME SectionVIII Division1计算应力、评估法兰荷载。

Intergraph CAESAR II 2013 R1 | 1.5 Gb

Intergraph has released CAESAR II 2013 with significant new and extended capabilities, including an enhanced interface for SmartPlant 3D model import/export; new Japanese interface, seismic code and spring hanger database capabilities; and updated ASME B31.3, B31.3, B31.8, B31.9, and Z662 codes. 

CAESAR II 2013 also provides improved model manipulation, editing and annotation capabilities, plus improvements to standardize development and testing to meet ASME NQA-1 requirements.

CAESAR II, the world’s most widely used pipe stress analysis software, provides users a fast and customizable interface with Intergraph’s market-leading plant, offshore and material handling design solutions, SmartPlant 3D, SmartMarine 3D and SmartPlant 3D Materials Handling Edition, collectively known as Smart 3D, and SmartPlant Review, Intergraph’s problem-solving 3D visualization tool. CAESAR II also provides seamless integration with CADWorx, Intergraph’s AutoCAD-based plant design solution.

These interfaces allow for the easy import and export of pipe stress analysis results between CAESAR II and Smart 3D, SmartPlant Review or CADWorx for faster incorporation of analysis changes during a project design, allowing designers and engineers to share information seamlessly in a collaborative work environment. This can identify and reduce errors, reduce project risk and save time and expense for all stakeholders.

Intergraph CAESAR II 2013 R1Intergraph CAESAR II 2013 R1

About Intergraph

Intergraph is the leading global provider of engineering and geospatial software that enables customers to visualize complex data. Businesses and governments in more than 60 countries rely on Intergraph’s industry-specific software to organize vast amounts of data to make processes and infrastructure better, safer and smarter. The company’s software and services empower customers to build and operate more efficient plants and ships, create intelligent maps, and protect critical infrastructure and millions of people around the world.

Intergraph operates through two divisions: Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) and Security, Government & Infrastructure (SG&I). Intergraph PP&M provides enterprise engineering software for the design, construction, operation and data management of plants, ships and offshore facilities. Intergraph SG&I provides geospatially powered solutions, including ERDAS technologies, to the public safety and security, defense and intelligence, government, transportation, photogrammetry, and utilities and communications industries. Intergraph Government Solutions (IGS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Intergraph Corporation responsible for the SG&I U.S. federal business.

Intergraph is part of Hexagon (Nordic exchange: HEXA B), a leading global provider of design, measurement, and visualization technologies that enable customers to design, measure and position objects, and process and present data.

Name: Intergraph CAESAR II
Version: 2013 R1 version (build 121130)
Home: www.intergraph.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 1.5 Gb

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