FieldView是由全球著名的后处理软件商Intelligent Light开发的一 款功能强大的CFD/FEA专业后处理软体,藉由FieldView强大后处理 功能,生成高品质与细致的切平面结果与动画展示,让您的报告(或简 报)更有价值性。 FieldView在目前最新发行版本为Version 14,它的GUI介面与 Version 13差异不大,其中最大的改变增加多重视窗介面,其它有速度 向量显示、轨迹线显示加快、加入尺规显示、平行运算器、增加可直 接读取资料的软体。 在本次简讯中展示多重视窗介面,其他功能欢迎 来电洽询。 使用者只要透过滑鼠按键就可轻易实现多重视窗功能,视窗分割 也是使用滑鼠,当画面分割后,可以使用滑鼠拖动分割框架改变 画面尺寸。 此功能也可录制成巨集(或脚本),可重复应用于其他组 数据。
Intelligent Light FieldView 14.0 | 605.3 mb
Intelligent Light announced the availability new release FieldView 14, software for CFD postprocessing and visualization. This new version of the software includes new abilities for comparing multiple datasets, interactive visualization of millions of particles and much more.
FieldView is an advanced scientific visualization post processor developed by Intelligent Light. FieldView provides extensive capabilities for visualizing 3D data sets using color-mapped planes, isosurfaces, vector fields, particle tracking, streamlines and numerous other entities. FieldView allows REI to be more productive, reducing cost and increasing return for your customers. The high quality outputs help clients understand the analyses and recommendations.
The next release of FieldView version 14 provides users with the industry’s fastest, most robust, multi-window capability:
– New, free and low-cost FieldView tools for working with and sharing XDB files
– The included high performance dataset reads enabled by FieldView Dataguide for all FieldView 14 users as part of the standard license. Dataguide eliminates the need to rewrite/reformat your files and automatically reports function, min/max, and location data on read in.
– “Parallel Power to the People” – As multi-core and parallel systems (SSI and clusters) are a standard part of today’s CFD computing workflow, all FieldView licenses will support the use of up to 8 cores per dataset in the standard license
No cost upgrades to parallel for annual and supported licenses.
Current parallel licenses will receive a no-cost upgrade.
No increase in costs for support or renewal for existing users.
More info: click this
About Intelligent Light
Since 1984, Intelligent Light has been a leader in providing advanced visualization products and services to the engineering community. Our flagship product, FIELDVIEW, is in use worldwide in aerospace, automotive, chemical processing, turbomachinery, and many other industries where CFD is mission critical. FIELDVIEW, an advanced, easy-to-use post-processor designed specifically for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), lets you input data from any CFD data source, analyze critical areas in your data volume interactively, and make high-impact presentations and animations. You can export from ANSYS FLUENT to the FIELDVIEW format. FIELDVIEW is available for UNIX and Windows platforms.
With over 1,000 licenses sold and a reputation that combines advanced features, ease of use, and reliability, FIELDVIEW is a popular standalone CFD post-processor. FIELDVIEW’s development is backed by research collaboration with NASA and many of the world’s top CFD authorities to ensure that FIELDVIEW meets or exceeds the needs of the CFD community.
Name: Intelligent Light FieldView
Version: 14 Build 09.24.13
Home: www.ilight.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 605.3 mb
Supported formats: AcuSolve, ANSYS-CFX, CFD++, CGNS Unstructured/Hybrid, COBALT, CONVERGE, FLOW-3D, FLUENT, FV-UNS, CENERIC Unstructured, HAVOC, LS-DYNA, NPARC/WIND, OpenFOAM, OVERFLOW-2, PLOT3D, SC/Tetra, SCRYU, scSTREAM, STAR-CCM+, STAR-CD, … and more.
Special Thanks SSQ
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