
Veesus Arena4D Data Studio 5.2.0

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Veesus Arena4D Data Studio 5.2Arena4D Data Studio是一个功能齐全的模块化软件包,能够在标准PC硬件上显示和编辑大量点云数据集。能够高速渲染点云,它可以随着用户需求的上升,很容易地扩展新的功能。 Arena4D Data Studio是唯一的点云编辑软件包,它还提供Arithmetica的Pointfuse vecotrization技术和NCTech的颜色云和测量模块。

File size: 255 MB

Arena4D Data Studio is a fully featured software package capable of displaying and editing massive point cloud data sets on standard PC hardware.

Arena4D Data Studio is capable of visualising point clouds, imagery, panoramas, shape files, GPS tracks and much more all in a single contextual view. No need to swap packages to see all your data together. The unique contextual GIS platform allows you to combine multiple different data sets into a complete 3D document that you can share with other Arena4D Data Studio users.

Arena4D Data Studio allows you to markup, annotate, measure and even edit your point clouds too. They can then be exported in many common formats.
Also included is a powerful animation component that generates UHD quality movies quickly at the touch of a button. You can even generate 360 panoramic video.

Key benefits of Arena4D Data Studio:
Easy and Powerful
Simple but rich user interface.
No Limit
View point clouds of unlimited size.
Add data types from many sources to create a rich understandable 3D scene.
1000’s of seats deployed.
Constant Development
Data Studio is growing in functionality all of the time.
Cutting Edge
Researching, exploring and applying cutting edge technology.

Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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