完美虚拟钢琴软件 Acoustica Pianissimo,Acoustica公司新近推出了新款Pianissimo虚拟钢琴软件。这款软件致力于将三角钢琴饱满、圆润的音色以软件的形式传递给顾客。这款虚拟钢琴软件可在Windows个人电脑上以VSTi插件或独立程序的方式运行。
说明:采用回放采样技术与虚拟模仿演奏技术,Pianissimo可出色地模拟出声学三角钢琴能够奏出的各种乐音。这款虚拟钢琴采用超过250M的Steinway D三角钢琴高品质原音为素材,采用多重信号处理技术,完美模拟了实体三角钢琴诸多方面的特色。此外,这款虚拟钢琴自带的混响功能具有专业级的品质,能够对虚拟乐音起到辅助增强的效果。Pianissimo虚拟钢琴还具有模拟共鸣系统、出色的音调控制系统、256种混音素材及CPU占用率低等特点。
特点:Pianissimo虚拟钢琴可以VSTi插件的形式在任何可支持的数字音频工作站软件中运行,例如Mixcraft。此外,在MIDI、Wave、ASIO及WaveRT设备的支持下,其也可作为独立的软件运行。这款虚拟钢琴还支持双轨录音功能,用户可将录好的片段存储为MIDI1.0格式文件,还可以进行后期编辑,制作成完整的WAV,MP3,WMA及OGG Vorbis文件。
Acoustica Pianissimo v1.012 | 80.4 MB
Pianissimo is a Virtual Grand Piano, delivering the rich, warm sound and expressiveness of a classic grand piano. It operates as a VSTi plug-in, or runs as a stand-alone application. Pianissimo uses a combination of sample playback and advanced physical modeling to create a stunning acoustic grand piano sound. Starting with 250 MB of high quality samples of a Steinway™ Model D grand piano, Pianissimo uses complex signal processing and programming to recreate the warmth, response, and playability of a real grand piano. This warm, natural sound is then paired with a professional studio-quality reverb algorithm to add the depth and ambiance of a real acoustic space. Add in modeled sympathetic resonance, incidental mechanical hammer sounds, remarkable control over tone and velocity response, 256 voices of polyphony, and incredibly low CPU usage, and Pianissimo might just be the best sounding, most playable virtual piano ever.
The VSTi will operate in any DAW with support for virtual instruments in the VSTi format, including Mixcraft.
The Stand-Alone version supports any MIDI device, and any Wave, ASIO, or WaveRT device. It allows for two-track recording, loading and saving of standard MIDI Type 1 files, and supports mixing down to WAV, MP3, WMA, and Ogg Vorbis files.
Product Features
• Features 250MB of high-quality, quadruple-strike samples from a Steinway™ Model D grand piano, enhanced with acoustic modeling technology to produce a rich, warm, expressive, and highly realistic grand piano sound.
• Ultra-professional integrated studio reverb creates a highly realistic ambience that places the piano within a true acoustic space.
• Unparalleled sample programming creates a fluid, dynamic, expressive tone without identifiable velocity switching or other digital artifacts.
• Advanced sympathetic resonance modeling recreates the subtle shimmer of piano strings when the damper pedal is depressed.
• Adjustable incidental piano sounds, including mechanical noises from damper pedal and key release, for an unparalleled level of realism.
• 256 voices of polyphony and low CPU usage make Pianissimo ideal for solo piano performance, studio compositions, and live performance.
• Adjustable piano lid, velocity curve, tone controls, sympathetic resonance, reverb, and chorus effect allow you to tailor the piano’s tone and response to fit your playing style.
• Works in all major digital audio recording software packages (including Mixcraft™) as a VSTi plug-in instrument.
• Stand-alone version features metronome, two-track sequencer, and ability to mix down recordings to WAV, MP3, WMA, or OGG Vorbis audio files.
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