
Wolfram Mathematica 13.2.1 Multilingual

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Mathematica 在其三十年的开发历程中,在技术计算领域确立了最先进的技术,并为全球技术创新人员、教育工作者、学生和其他人士提供了最主要的计算环境。

Mathematica 以卓越的技术和简便的使用方法享誉全球,在此基础上,它提供了单个集成并且持续扩展的系统,涵盖了最广最深的技术计算功能,并可通过网页浏览器实现云端的完美访问,以及在所有现代桌面系统上的本地访问。


通过三十多年来的精心研发和不断探索,Mathematica 在许多领域独树一帜,在当今技术计算环境和工作流程中表现卓著。


Mathematica 具有涵盖所有技术计算领域的将近 6,000 个内置函数——所有这些都经过精心制作,使其完美地整合在 Mathematica 系统中。


基于三十多年来的持续开发,Mathematica 在所有技术计算领域表现卓著,包括网络、图像、几何、数据科学、可视化、机器学习等等。


Mathematica 在所有领域构建了前所未有的强大算法——许多算法都是使用 Wolfram 语言独特的开发方法和功能进行构建的。


从超级函数到元算法,Mathematica 提供了可实现自动化并且日益完善的高级环境,使您的工作尽可能地高效。


拥有跨越各个领域的强大的高效的算法,Mathematica 是为提供工业强度而构建的,它的并行计算、GPU 计算等功能使其可以轻松处理大型问题。


Mathematica 凭借它的算法功能以及 Wolfram 语言的详细设计原理,创建了具有预测性建议、自然语言输入等的独特的并且易于使用的系统。


Mathematica 使用 Wolfram 笔记本界面,使您可以快速整理包括文本、可运行代码、动态图形和用户界面等的丰富文档中的任何内容。


使用直观的类似英文的函数名称和一致明了的设计,Wolfram 语言易于阅读、编写和学习。


从 参考资料中心 的 150,000 多个范例,Wolfram 演示项目的将近 10,000 个开源演示项目和其他资源中获取帮助,开始着手任何项目。

Languages: Multilingual | File Size: 5.87 GB

For three decades, Mathematica has defined the state of the art in technical computing—and provided the principal computation environment for millions of innovators, educators, students, and others around the world. Widely admired for both its technical prowess and elegant ease of use, Mathematica provides a single integrated, continually expanding system that covers the breadth and depth of technical computing—and seamlessly available in the cloud through any web browser, as well as natively on all modern desktop systems…….

Version 13.0 adds a total of 117 completely new functions, but also many hundreds of updated and upgraded functions, several thousand bug fixes and small enhancements, and a host of new ideas to make the system ever easier and smoother to use.

– Create convenient aliases for context names using $ContextAliases
– New linear algebra functions: Adjugate, DrazinInverse and CoreNilpotentDecomposition
– Implemented several Coulomb wavefunctions: CoulombF, CoulombG, CoulombH1 and CoulombH2
– Perform interval computations for real and complex centered intervals using CenteredInterval
– Compute the bilateral or double-sided Z transform and the inverse transform using BilateralZTransform and InverseBilateralZTransform
– Create 2D and 3D displacement plots using new functions VectorDisplacementPlot, VectorDisplacementPlot3D, ListVectorDisplacementPlot and ListVectorDisplacementPlot3D
– Visualize geo flows via GeoGraphValuePlot
– New constructive solid geometry region CSGRegion, built by Boolean operations on basic regions
– Create regions from a set of points using RegionFit, GradientFittedMesh and ConcaveHullMesh
– Find an affine transform from one region to another with FindRegionTransform and check for congruity and similarity for two regions using RegionCongruent and RegionSimilar
– New functions for finding isomorphic subgraphs and subgraph isomorphisms: IsomorphicSubgraphQ, FindSubgraphIsomorphism, FindIsomorphicSubgraph
– Find minimal edge and vertex colorings for graphs with FindEdgeColoring and FindVertexColoring
– Find face coloring for a planar graph layout using FindPlanarColoring
– Compute dominators for directed graphs using DominatorTreeGraph and DominatorVertexList
– New lighting options for three-dimensional graphics: AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, PointLight and SpotLight
– Create spatial predictions with SpatialEstimate
– Estimate the best variogram model for location-tagged data with EstimatedVariogramModel
– New video processing functions: SnippetsVideo, TourVideo, GridVideo and OverlayVideo
– Preview videos in a Wolfram Language notebook with a new built-in video player
– Stitch a list of images together with ImageStitch
– Efficiently train custom content detectors using TrainImageContentDetector and TrainTextContentDetector
– Extract a repeating operation in a folded neural net with NetUnfold
– New additions to the Tree framework: TreeScan, TreeMapAt, TreeTraversalOrder and TreeLayout
– Convert between different time systems with TimeSystemConvert
– Get real-time information on airplane flights using FlightData
– New solid mechanics PDE model functions, including SolidMechanicsPDEComponent, SolidMechanicsStrain, SolidMechanicsStress and more
– Added symbolic representations for chemicals and chemical reactions: ChemicalFormula, ChemicalReaction
– Compute a chemically balanced reaction with ReactionBalance and check if a given reaction is balanced with ReactionBalancedQ
– Improved import of PDF pages as vector graphics
– Use QuestionInterface to specify an interface for answering questions
– Represent an HTML element containing an expression with WebItem and arrange such elements into rows and columns with WebRow and WebColumn
– Submit remote batch jobs to the Azure Batch service
– GeoGraphics now returns maps with vector labels by default

Wolfram Mathematica 13.0.1 Multilingual

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