
Altair Inspire 2024.0 x64

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Altair Inspire 2024加快仿真驱动设计



Inspire 的用户体验屡获好评,用户可以在短短几个小时内掌握几何图形创建和修改操作,并且它还具有可靠的 Altair 求解器功能:

  • 能够以 Altair® SimSolid® 的速度和精度执行结构分析(已经过 NAFEMS 独立验证),可以分析大型装配件和复杂部件。
  • 动态运动仿真,包括载荷提取,采用 Altair® MotionSolve® 可靠的多体系统分析。
  • 高效的结构行业标准,通过 Altair® OptiStruct® 进行拓扑优化,适用于实用、可行和可制造几何图形的创成式设计。

仿真分析师和设计师均可以借助 Inspire 更快、更轻松地执行“假设分析”,非常重要的是能够及早执行该分析,从而促进合作并缩短产品上市时间。

File size: 5.7 GB

Altair® Inspire™ is an intuitive, powerful family of integrated software products that accelerates simulation-driven design throughout the product development lifecycle, from concept to reality, while reducing product time-to-market.

Used early in the design process, Inspire enables the creation of designs focused on both performance and manufacturability. Inspire empowers its users to explore, develop, and manufacture high-performance products in a single, intuitive environment.

Create and Modify Designs with Ease
Create, modify, and defeature solid models quickly, use PolyNURBS to create free-form smooth geometry, and study multiple assembly configurations.

Optimize for Manufacturability
Arrive at the ideal design direction extremely early in the process: topology optimization is based on physics and observes manufacturing process constraints.

Simulate at the Speed of Design
Experience an interactive engineering design environment for rapid design exploration and product creation, without the need to invest in new computer hardware.



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