
Audiopunks Telefunken Echomixer 1.2.2

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Audiopunks Telefunken Echomixer 复古弹簧混响插件仿真器插件

该设备包含三个锗前置放大器和一个 Hammond IV 弹簧混响器。这款仿真器以 1960 年的原版设备为模型,将经典音效带入现代制作环境。

图形用户界面复制了原始硬件设备的布局,顶部是输入和输出电平控制,三个垂直推子控制每个前置放大器通道(分别标为 A、B 和 C)的电平。A 频道是前置放大器的纯净版本,B 频道提供原始前置放大器电路的模拟版本,C 频道提供更明显的饱和选项–信号从左到右串联流动,每个通道都可以独立接通或旁路。一对水平推子紧随其后,第一个推子用于设置干湿信号之间的平衡,第二个推子用作 “特性 “控制,提供可变的模拟锗失真。

图形用户界面的下部配备了一组用于调整混响音效的参数,包括预延时和宽度旋钮,随后是一个提供三种(Echomixer、Custom 1 和 Custom 2)弹簧混响模型和混响衰减控制的部分。接下来是另一对水平推子,提供从暗到亮的音调控制,作为混响信号的整体均衡器,以及全局混合控制。

File size: 51.1 MB

Telefunken have teamed up with Audiopunks to create a plug-in version of their Echomixer device, which housed three germanium preamps and a Hammond IV spring reverb. Modelled on a modified example of an original unit from 1960, the emulation brings the classic sound into modern production environments.

The GUI replicates the layout of the original hardware unit, with the top section occupied by input and output level controls and three vertical faders that control the level of each preamp channel (labelled A, B and C). Channel A is a clean version of the preamp, whilst B provides a modelled version of the original preamp circuitry, and C offers a more obviously saturated option — the signal flows in series from left to right, and each channel can be independently engaged or bypassed. A pair of horizontal faders follow, with the first setting the balance between wet and dry signals, and the second acting as a ‘character’ control and offering a variable amount of modelled germanium distortion.

The lower section of the GUI is equipped with a set of parameters that adjust the sound of the reverb produced, with Pre-Delay and Width knobs followed by a section that offers a choice of three (Echomixer, Custom 1 and Custom 2) spring reverb models and a Reverb Decay control. Next up is another pair of horizontal faders, which provide a Tone control that ranges from Dark to Bright, acting as an overall EQ for the reverb signal, along with a global Mix control.


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