
Golaem Crowd 9.0.2-Maya 2020 – 2025 Win x64

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Golaem Crowd是一款功能强大的插件工具,这款插件的主要用途就是填充人数,在各种影视剧中,战争片里总能看到成千上万的人打仗,但在现实哪来那么多演员啊,要想演员多还得靠特技,使用Golaem Crowd添加仿真人群,才有了如今这么多千奇百怪的影视剧。

Golaem Crowd-9.0.2-Maya 2020 – 2025 Win x64

Golaem tools gives you the power to quickly populate your scenes with smart and directable digital characters.

Avoid repetitive animation tasks
Generate more variety for more realistic shots
Populate backgrounds and midgrounds in minutes, not weeks
Humans, horses, birds or extraordinary creatures, Golaem can animate anything. You can use it to populate all kind of shots : stadium, city or buildings set extension, battles and so on.



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