
Kiive and Audioscape XL305R v1.1.2

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AudioScape 发布 XL-305R 弹簧混响插件

这是该公司首款模拟广受好评的硬件设备的插件,AudioScape XL305R 同调弹簧混响插件

AudioScape 与加拿大插件开发商 Kiive Audio 合作开发了他们的首款软件产品 XL-305R Equally Tempered 立体声混响插件。该插件精确模拟了该公司广受赞誉的 XL-305R 弹簧混响,是那些追求复古模拟混响音效的用户的完美解决方案。

AudioScape 的硬件设备以 Micmix 于 1979 年发布的 XL-305 弹簧混响为基础,内含 12 个弹簧,具有独特的音质特征,该公司将其比喻为打开钢琴盖,对着琴弦歌唱!他们在原设计者的指导下对硬件版本进行了长达四年的研究,最终推出了对原装置进行更新和重新设计的版本。

新插件复制了硬件版本的功能和音效,甚至还提供了切换图形用户界面的选项,以模仿原始 Micmix 控制面板的风格。两个通道分别配备了输入电平控制和干/湿混音拨盘,之后是四段均衡器部分,每段调节范围为 ±10dB。通道既可单独控制,也可连接起来,以便对立体声材料进行精确设置,同时还提供了一些有用的工具,如图形用户界面缩放选项、撤消和重做功能以及内置 A/B 对比功能。


The XL-305R has its roots in the all analog XL-305 Spring Reverb from the 1980’s. It’s been a Secret Weapon reverb over the years that has gained cult-like status. Unlike many spring reverbs, this Spring Assembly has 12 springs tuned together making it equally tempered, very similar to opening the lid of a piano, holding the damper open and singing into the strings . Working out from this core idea, we re-imagined the rest of the design from the ground up, from the electronics and spring decay times, to modern workflow and aesthetic improvements. With the direction of Wayne Kirkwood(XL-305 Original Designer) and 4 years of R & D, we were able to bring this GROUNDBREAKING design from the last century into the modern century. Simply put, we are incredibly proud to bring this to market.

System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, 10.14 or higher recommended



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