
FlowHeater 4.4.3

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FlowHeater 是一款功能强大的软件解决方案,专为数据集成和转换而设计。我们的目标是为您提供无缝、高效的数据传输。无论您需要在不同系统之间转换数据、为外部资源做好准备,还是处理复杂的数据处理任务,FlowHeater 都能为您提供所需的灵活性和性能。

File size: 15 MB

FlowHeater Designer is a powerful tool for connecting widely differing data sources and targets using a flexible graphically defined conversion.

CSV (text) import/export becomes child’s play. Adapters are available for import/export/update of MS Access, MS Excel, MS SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, OleDB and ODBC data sources as well as text formats (CSV, TXT, ASC, ASCII, Flat File…). The individual adapters can be used in any combination with one another.
Adapters available include
– Text file (CSV, TXT, ASC, Flat File, …)
– MS Excel
– XML Files
– MS Access
– MS Sql Server
– SQLite
– PostgreSQL
– Oracle
– any ODBC Datasources
– any OleDB Datasources, Supports dBASE (dbf) databases
– .NET DataTable, for your own Adapter
– generate test data
Main features
– Intuitive graphical model controls the transformation
– SQL insert/update script generation
– If/then/else conditional branching
– Comprehensive filtering and consolidation functions
– Incorporation of .NET scripts code
– Supports binary data, BLOB’s, …
– Support for the most diverse locale combinations (de-DE, en-GB, etc.)
– Support for different encoding schemes (codepages ASCII, ANSI , Unicode, EBCDIC , etc.)


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