
Audified U78 Saturator v2.1.2

Windows dsgsd 11浏览 0评论


一款名为u73b Compressor的硬件压缩器数字化,给制作人带来经典音色般体验的同时,也融入一系列精心的调配工作,打造成这款带有独特饱和效果的U78 Saturator。

Team R2R | 2024.09.14 | 34.5 MB

German U73b-based valve plug-in with precise band saturation.

German U73b-based valve plug-in with precise band saturation.

Revolt your mixes in richness and add a warm, resonant character that grips your listeners. Propel your mixes to new heights, infusing every note with vintage charm and modern brilliance.

System Requirements
Windows 7 and newer


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