
Mastercam 2025 Update 2 (27.0.6935.0)

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Mastercam 2025 Update 2 (27.0.6935.0)

Mastercam 是 CAD/CAM 解决方案领域的行业领导者,它自豪地宣布发布 Mastercam 2025。最新版本引入了尖端功能和增强功能,旨在最大限度提高加工操作的速度、效率和精度,为行业树立了新的标杆。

在公开测试期间,全球制造商提供了宝贵的反馈,从而塑造了最终产品,确保 Mastercam 2025 满足用户的基本需求,同时提高制造业的生产力和可持续性。

全新 Mastercam® Deburr
推出 Mastercam Deburr,这是一款先进的自动边缘精加工解决方案,彻底改变了 Mastercam Mill、Mastercam Mill 3D、Mastercam Router 和 Mastercam Mill-Turn 的去毛刺工艺。此插件旨在与您的 Mastercam 产品无缝集成,通过自动边缘检测和直观控制简化了去毛刺。Mastercam Deburr 允许用户在 3 轴环境中利用简化的去毛刺循环,而无需 Mastercam Multiaxis,从而以更少的手动工作提供更快、更准确的去毛刺。对于使用 Mastercam Multiaxis 的用户,熟悉的简化控件可确保轻松过渡。

Mastercam Deburr 彻底改变了去毛刺工艺,节省了时间并提高了去毛刺质量。该解决方案提高了去毛刺操作的效率和精度,减少了人工干预的需要,并确保了一致的高质量结果。

Mastercam 2025 还为 2D 动态铣削和区域铣削刀具路径引入了精加工通道。新的“精加工通道”页面允许用户沿选定的刀具路径边界添加高速精加工通道,并可配置进给率和主轴转速覆盖参数,确保平滑而精确的精加工。

Y 轴车削的铣车支持是 Mastercam 2025 中的一个重要新增功能,使用户能够创建具有正确刀具方向和主轴原点的刀具路径平面,同时利用 Y 轴刀具技术的最新进展。新的 A 轴轮廓车削刀具路径补充了 B 轴轮廓刀具路径,扩展了对旋转轮廓车削的支持,并允许用户轻松加工难以到达的区域。

Mastercam 2025 中的螺纹铣削操作受益于诸如引入/退出速度/进给倍率等增强功能,该功能可在进入/退出移动期间提供更好的控制,从而延长刀具寿命并提高螺纹加工的精度。渐进式引入/退出功能可增强螺纹铣削操作啮合和脱离期间的刀具控制,而新的刀具边缘进给率可根据刀具的切向边缘计算进给率,从而实现更精确的加工。

Mastercam 2025 引入了针对基于软件的许可证的自动许可证更新通知。此功能为用户节省了时间,同时通过最新的许可证信息和功能确保 Mastercam 的安全。

Mastercam 2025 Update 2 (27.0.6935.0) | 4.8 Gb
Languages Supported: English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano,
한국어 , Brazilian Português, Svenska, Türkçe, 简体中文, 正體中文

Mastercam, the industry leader in CAD/CAM solutions, has released update 2 for Mastercam 2025. Latest version introduces cutting-edge features and enhancements designed to maximize speed, efficiency, and precision in your machining operations, setting a new benchmark in the industry.

What’s new in Mastercam 2025

New Mastercam Deburr
Introducing Mastercam Deburr, an advanced solution for automated edge finishing that revolutionizes the deburring process for Mastercam Mill, Mastercam Mill 3D, Mastercam Router, and Mastercam Mill-Turn. Designed to integrate seamlessly with your Mastercam products, this add-on simplifies deburring through automatic edge detection and intuitive controls. Mastercam Deburr allows users to leverage the streamlined deburr cycle in a 3-axis environment without requiring Mastercam Multiaxis, providing faster and more accurate deburring with less manual effort. For users with Mastercam Multiaxis, the familiar simplified controls ensure an easy transition. Mastercam Deburr transforms the deburring process, saving time and enhancing deburr quality. This solution improves the efficiency and precision of deburring operations, reducing the need for manual intervention and ensuring consistent, high-quality results.
Productivity Enhancements
Mastercam 2025 also introduces finish passes to 2D Dynamic Mill and Area Mill toolpaths. The new Finish Passes page allows users to add high-speed finishing passes along the selected toolpath boundaries, with configurable parameters for feed rate and spindle speed overrides, ensuring a smooth and precise finish.
Advanced Capabilities
Mill-turn support for Y-axis turning is a significant addition in Mastercam 2025, enabling users to create toolpath planes with the correct tool orientation and spindle origin while taking advantage of the latest advances in Y-axis tool technology. The new A-axis contour turning toolpath complements the B-axis contour toolpath, extending support for rotary contour turning and allowing users to machine difficult-to-reach areas with ease.
Performance Boosts
Thread Mill operations in Mastercam 2025 benefit from enhancements such as Speed/Feed Override for Lead In/Out, which provides better control during entry/exit moves, promoting better tool life and more accurate machining of threads. The gradual Lead In/Out feature enhances tool control during engagement and disengagement for Thread Mill operations, while the new Tool Edge Feed Rate calculates feed rates based on the tool’s tangential edge for more precise machining.

Mastercam is the most widely used CAM software worldwide and remains the program of choice among CNC programmers. It gives your shop the best possible foundation for fast and efficient milling. From general purpose methods such as optimized pocketing to highly specialized toolpaths like 5-axis turbine cutting, Mastercam ensures that you’re ready for any job.

Founded in 1983, Mastercam CAD/CAM software, is one of the oldest companies in the PC-based CAD/CAM industry. The company was built on the concept of providing an inexpensive PC-based CAM system at a time when most other systems were expensive CAD-oriented products. Mastercam was one of the first companies to introduce CAD/CAM software designed for both the machinist and the engineer, providing a practical solution to both markets. CNC Software, Inc. is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art software tools for CAD/CAM manufacturing markets.

Owner: Mastercam CAD/CAM software
Product Name: Mastercam
Version: 2025 Update 2 (27.0.6935.0) *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.mastercam.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows **
Size: 4.8 Gb




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