
PTC Creo x64 Multilingual

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PTC Creo (x64) + HelpCenter Multilingual

PTC 满怀自豪地宣布推出 Creo 11,这是一款屡获殊荣、性能强劲且易于使用的 CAD 系统的最新版本。Creo 针对电气化、复合材料、基于模型的定义、仿真驱动设计和先进制造领域提供了广泛的增强功能,可帮助您在更短的时间内交付出色的设计。

Creo 简化了您的工作流,并提供不间断的设计链,无需导出/导入。因此,当您的设计要求发生变化时,您可以轻松地更新模型以反映新的条件。

Creo 11 为日常使用的工具带来了令人兴奋的改进,变得更加强大。


Creo 的每个版本都会推出改进功能,以提高设计工程师的日常工作效率。

Creo 现在支持包含多个钣金件和常规实体设计的多主体概念,使您能够在上下文中更好地设计钣金零件。


Creo 现在具有增强的外壳体积块特征,可优化和计算零件或装配的最小边界框,以优化包装。


更新的 Creo 功能包括用于设计复合材料、进行实时仿真和简化制造流程的创新 CAD 工具。Creo 还不断扩展电气化和基于模型的定义功能。


Creo 改善了布缆和 ECAD-MCAD 协同功能,可为您的电路和布缆设计提供支持。


此外,ECAD 功能也得到了扩展,增加了透明度控制,改善了 PCB 堆叠和重叠 ECAD 层的可见性。


设计工程师发现复合材料在更多产品中的应用比以往任何时候都多,而 Creo 11 将继续扩展复合材料的设计、仿真和制造能力。Creo 扩展了过渡、层压截面和悬垂仿真的功能。您甚至可以使用基于区域的设计来定义层和自动从区域构建层。通过扩展的铺层边界、钻芯取样以及导出到先进的激光投影系统的能力,制造得到了增强。


Creo 为您提供了更为强大的基于模型的定义工具,让您以更少的投入获得更高的清晰度。现在,您可以轻松地将设计数据整理成简单的表格,这些表格可供人和机器读取,包括用户定义的文本、参数标注和语义参考。

为圆柱特征创建 MBD 注释的速度更快,语义查询现在可用于继承模型。GD&T Advisor 已经过更新,可支持面向基本公差的 ISO 22081 标准,用于组合式简化的孔标注以及板和槽特征的丰富定义。


Creo 包含新的仿真驱动设计功能,可帮助您更好地进行设计构思、指导和验证。改进了 Creo 屡获殊荣的创成式设计,包括最小特征尺寸约束条件、轴承承载负荷和平面对称约束条件等方面。

Creo Simulation Live 现在包含共轭热传递,以实现实体几何和流体之间的热传递,并扩展了所有类型 CSL 研究的结果。Creo Ansys Simulation 还具有瞬态结构分析功能,用于确定结构在随时间变化的载荷作用下的动态响应。


一如既往,Creo 推出了面向增材制造和减材制造的改进功能。对于增材制造,您现在可以在单个连续晶格结构上连接两个或更多个具有不同晶格类型的晶格,并调整随机晶格的孔径控制。此外,Creo 还扩展了 3MF STL 导出选项。

对于减材制造,高速铣削现在具有 4 轴旋转铣削功能,并增强了轨迹铣削功能。此外,4 轴区域车削用户界面也得到了改进。

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The Industry’s Leading 3D CAD Software. Let’s assume you went into product design to create fantastic products. That’s your focus, what you want to do, and how you want to be remembered. With the Creo product development software suite, you can take your product from concept to digital prototype and do so with efficiency, accuracy and a measure of grace. Our software is intuitive and all works together. We’ve been at the cutting-edge of CAD for more than 30 years. Come join us.

Creo The future of product design from the leading innovator in 3D CAD. Now you can design smart, connected products and capitalize on new technologies such as additive manufacturing and augmented reality.

Creo Parametric
The flagship application in the Creo Suite, Creo Parametric is the only software you need for 3D CAD. With Creo Parametric, you can seamlessly combine parametric and direct modeling; open non-native CAD data and collaborate with almost anyone thanks to Unite technology; and relax knowing all downstream deliverables will update automatically. Combine this range of capabilities with ease-of use, and you have a product design accelerator.

From the comprehensive capabilities of Creo Parametric to applications specializing in direct modeling, Creo has what you need. Whether you need speed and flexibility to meet a deadline, or are in the initial stages of concept design, direct modeling lets you work with geometry quickly and easily.

Creo Parametric: Design your entire product using both parametric and direct modeling
Creo Direct: Interact directly with geometry. Suitable for infrequent CAD users.
Creo Options Modeler: Easily create variants of configurable products
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling: Comprehensive direct modeling capabilities

Creo Sketch: Use this free download to capture initial ideas
Creo Layout: Leverage 2D data to produce 3D models that accurately reflect design intent
Creo Schematics: Create 2D schematic designs of routed systems
Creo Elements/Direct Drafting: Meets the 2D needs of designers and engineers

Simulate early and often with software that’s easy to set up, use, and run. Now you can resolve basic design issues in engineering before handing off your product to Analysis.

Now colleagues can see your design in the file format that suits them, so design reviews are more productive and data can be reused. Fewer, better prototypes mean faster design cycles and more money in your budget.

Creo View MCAD: Intuitive viewer allows non-CAD users to see your design
Creo View ECAD: Allows the entire team to see PCB-related designs
Creo Illustrate: Create powerful 3D interactive technical illustrations
Creo View Mobile: Use your iPad or iPhone to see models created in Creo View

Why Creo?
Our software doesn’t produce innovation: you do. But Creo can help by giving you powerful tools all within one environment as well as choice and flexibility in how you use them.
What can you design? One customer designed an artificial heart. Another created a 1.5 ton light sculpture. Maybe your next great product is that one on your desk.



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