
PhraseExpress 17.0.103

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PhraseExpress是一款自动化操作软件。 主要功能:热字符串、运行程序、剪贴板增强等。 该软件与AutoHotKey 有异曲同工之妙,但操作更加简单,设置更加方便。 PhraseExpress 非常适合完全没有一点编程能力的办公室小白使用。

File size: 44.6 MB

PhraseExpress is a text expander software, that manages frequently used text templates for insertion into any program. Phrases can be triggered from the snippet menu, by hotkey or with autotext shortcuts. The template manager can switch your boilerpate templates between multiple languages or customizable categories.

Universal Text Snippet Manager
Speed up your typing in any program, such text editors, email programs, web browsers, database applications, EMR, etc.
Organize text snippets in customizable categories for instant access.
PhraseExpress can save hours of typing in technical support, customer care, help desk, call center and medical transcription.

Share Phrases with your Team
Share phrases with other users in the local network or in the cloud – On-premise or over the internet.
Each phrase can be set private or made public to selected users.
The client-/server architecture prevents edit collisions.
PhraseExpress supports Microsoft SQL server and Citrix/TerminalServer.

Cloud Support
The cloud synchronisation feature allows you to share phrases with others over the internet.
PhraseExpress supports any popular cloud service, such as Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and on-premise cloud solutions like OwnCloud and Synology CloudStation.
You can even use any NAS or network-shared folder to sync your phrases between multiple Windows and Mac computers.


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