
Jade Empire Special Edition Multi9-I_KnoW

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 微软宣布由Bioware制作的Xbox动作RPG游戏《翡翠帝国(Jade Empire)》已经移植PC平台。《翡翠帝国》是一款融合了武侠、奇幻与神怪等要素,以古中国文化为背景的独特ARPG ,由曾推出《无冬之夜》、《星球大战:旧共和国武士》等知名RPG的Bioware负责制作。 游戏开始玩家可选择7名各具特色的游戏角色,也可以依照自己的喜好自创新角色,学习自古流传的武术,通过不断的学习与克服任务事件的挑战,提升自己的武术修养与名声。当玩家学会多项招式提升本身的名声之后,还可以招收慕名而来的学艺者为徒,或者是打败对手将之纳入自己的门下,之后再派这些徒弟前往解决任务,再次提高自己的名望,成为一名武术大师。 游戏中有著各种流派招式,包括武术派招式(如幻影拳、风啸龙吟拳)、法术派招式(如迷魂拳、悲惨烈焰)、武器派招式(如双斧、戟或是即时武器如椅子等)或是幻化派招式等。每种战斗招式都有其独特的速度、力量、形式与组合方式,涵盖范围从拳击、脚踢、兵刃、气功、法术以及幻化术等。

Description: Step into the role of an aspiring martial-arts master and follow the path of the open palm or the closed fist. In this multi-award-winning action-RPG, your choices and actions will determine the fate of the entire Jade Empire. Will you prevent the destruction of this beautiful land, or will you crush it beneath your heel? Are you a warrior who uses his strength and fighting mastery to bring peace, or will you instead use your power to bring pain and ruin?

The choice is yours.

The Original Award Winning Jade Empire

  • An incredible, engaging story that makes you the noble hero or the treacherous villain!
  • A wealth of fascinating characters to interact with.
  • Beautiful, mysterious lands to explore, discover, and save…or conquer.
  • A rich blend of role-playing and exciting real-time combat.
  • New monsters and enemies.
  • New fighting styles.
  • Customizable, intuitive controls including support for game-pads and keyboard/mouse.
  • Increased graphics resolutions and new visual effects.
  • Improved combat AI and difficulty levels.
  • New world map interface.

Genre: RPG
Developer: BioWare Corporation
Publisher: BioWare Corporation, Electronic Arts

Release Name: Jade.Empire.Special.Edition.Multi9-I_KnoW
Size: 6.34 GB

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