
Tutsplus – Adobe Muse CC Essentials

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 Adobe发布了一个代号为“Muse{缪斯}”网站开发工具。Muse基于AIR平台,其目的是让设计师把精力放在设计上,让那些不懂代码的设计师也可以制作、发布网站。本教程针对Adobe Muse CC软件进行讲解,教你如何使用它设计网页.


Tutsplus – Adobe Muse CC Essentials

English | Working Files Included | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo (eng) | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280×720, 30.00 fps(r) (eng) | 2.55 GB

Genre: E-learning

Adobe Muse for Creative Cloud has its high and low points, but some of that comes down to knowing how to use it properly. If you want to get the basics down, this is where you should start.
Introduction 3m 56s
Course Introduction 2m 10s
What is Adobe Muse and who will use it? 1m 46s

Basic Tools And Sitemap 2h 21m 34s
Setting up the Project 8m 50s
Interface and Sitemap 12m 44s
Creating Alternative Layouts 6m 24s
Selection Tools and Page Settings 18m 36s
Placing Files 22m 30s
Working with the Text Tool 26m 28s
Working with the Rectangle Tool 18m 30s
Parallax Scrolling 16m 34s
Embedding HTML 10m 58s
Tutsplus - Adobe Muse CC Essentials
Working With Widgets 1h 10m 34s
Composition Widgets 29m 28s
Forms 11m 38s
Menus 10m 10s
Panel Widgets 8m 40s
Slideshow Widgets 10m 38s

Main Project 2h 42m 16s
First look at the Design 6m 14s
Creating the Master Page 31m 20s
Creating Sub Pages Part 1 21m 40s
Creating Sub Pages Part 2 27m 50s
Creating Sub Pages Part 3 16m 40s
Creating a Tablet Layout 5m 50s
Creating a Phone Layout Part 1 35m 30s
Creating a Phone Layout Part 2 17m 12s

Conclusion 4m 50s
Conclusion & Goodbye 4m 50s

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