
System Shock Enhanced Edition-HI2U

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无可否认,到1994年时,玩家接触到的游戏种类开始空前丰富起来,其中有很多类型是人们之前从未听说过的,比如说第一人称射击游戏(FPS),Wolfenstein 3D开创了这一类型,然后又由DOOM与Quake发扬光大。

《网络奇兵》提供了一个全3D的世界,以及向上下两边察看的能力,这款以”地下创世纪”引擎开发的作品,被Looking Glass的DougChurch自诩为”6D游戏”。三维用以移动,三维用以观看,你可以侧移自己的脑袋(这在后来的《神偷》中成了一个至为重要的动作),还能做许多其它与真实世界无异的事情:奔跑时你的脑袋会向下耷拉些许,开枪时你的头与身体会产生后座力,更强大的是,角色还有12个不同等级的身体状况设定,它会根据你受伤程度的大小而变化。要知道,那可是1994年,绝不会再有其它FPS做到这一切.。


A first-person fight to the death in the depths of space.

You’re a renowned hacker, the most notorious cyberspace thief in the corporate world. Caught during a risky break-in, you become indentured to Diego, a greedy Trioptium exec who bankrolls a rare cyberjack implant operation. After six months in a healing coma, you awaken to the twisted aftermath of a terrible disaster. Where are the surgeons? Why is the station in such disrepair? Slowly, the chilling realization that something is very wrong creeps over you.
Once a prime corporate research facility, Citadel now teems with mindless cyborgs, robots and terribly mutated beings, all programmed to serve SHODAN, a ruthless A.I. There’s scarcely time to think before it unleashes the first terror…

Twenty one years after its first release, System Shock is back!

The Enhanced Edition adds a modern touch to this true classic gem, without taking anything from its unmistakable atmosphere.
See for yourself that the game that has been called the benchmark for intelligent first-person gaming, has lost nothing of its ability to keep you on the edge of your seat.

System Shock: Enhanced Edition features:

  • Higher resolution support: up to 1024×768, and 854×480 widescreen mode.
  • Mouselook support added.
  • Remappable keys with three profiles to choose from: original controls, custom controls, and lefthanded controls.
  • Some original game bugs fixed.

Gameplay features:

  • Rocket through cyberspace to steal information, hack security and grapple with watchdog defense programs enslaved to a maniacal computer.
  • Survive battle after battle against armies of killer cyborgs and deadly robots as you collect hardware attachments, life-sustaining patches and deadly weapons to combat mindless mutants.
  • Test your intelligence by solving puzzles, rewiring access panels and outwitting SHODAN in its own cyber-realm.
  • Enjoy the vastly improved controls and graphics of the Enhanced Edition – or keep your experience as close to the original as possible with the Classic version.

Publisher: Night Dive Studios
Developer: Looking Glass Studios, Night Dive Studios
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG

Release name: System.Shock.Enhanced.Edition-HI2U
Size: 599MB
Links: GOGSteamNTiNFO

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