Bakery Relight是一个布光和渲染解决方案,它专为3D电影而开发设计。
Bakery Relight被设计用来加速工作流程,而不是一个简单的3D程序加上一个独立的渲染器,我们的想法是在渲染引擎中总是交互式的可视化反馈信息。
由于采用了完整的多线程执行的最先进渲染算法,并结合了我们自己发明的独特渲染缓存机制,灯光循环,Bakery Relight可以在几秒钟内,就轻松解决以前传统方法需要花费几分钟甚至几小时才能解决的问题。
▷ 交互式灯光设置工具
▷ 渲染引擎
▷ 有效管理整个灯光设置的辅助工具:
▪ 批处理的命令行工具
▪ 在每一步的渲染过程中,交互式地查看数据生成
▪ 来自于第三方的转换工具
The Bakery Relight (Win/Linux) | 169.4/348.1 Mb
Get full control on your Surfacing, Lighting, and Rendering in Bakery Relight 2.0. Take advantage of bakery’s patented caching technology that allows you to re-render in seconds. Visualize, isolate, select anything from your final rendered image, without ever needing to render in low resolution. View at any time the contribution of any layer, and edit it with instantaneous refresh, without any limitation.
Render with new cutting-edge Micropolygon Raytracer
Relight’s new micropolygon raytracer allows to render in full raytracing, and to visualize progressively the refresh of your rendering. Micropolygons technology brings to raytracers most advantages usually reserved to Renderman users. Manipulate your camera directly from the Render View.
Harmless integration in your Pipe-line
Relight 2.0 now fully supports Alembic data. You can load any object from an Alembic file, generated by any 3d package. Brand new Maya Exporter plugin handles complex pipe-lines and deals with scenes referencing automatically. Several bridges allow you to load files exported from Softimage, 3dsMax, Houdini, Realflow, etc… PartIO particle files can also be loaded.
Simplified Interaction Model
Using relight is now more intuitive than ever ! Just render your scene, and let all calculations be performed automatically. Do a few changes and re-render? Relight unique caching technology is able to find out what parts of the rendering really need to be recalculated (geometries, visibility deep file, independant shaders 3d cached results, point clouds, shadow maps, etc…).
Nodal Scene Description
In Relight, the Shading tree allows you to connect any type of nodes together : Plug geometries or shadows masks in materials, shading operators in volume shaders, build procedural geometries, create advanced lighting graphs, setup particle trees, create complex 3d color correction graphs, or use the compositing tree to perform post-rendering 2d operations.
and much more …
Home Page – http://www.bakery3d.com
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THE_BAKERY_RELIGHT_V2.0.0.1-XFORCE.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/31679202
THE_BAKERY_RELIGHT_V2.0.0.1_LINUX-XFORCE.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/31679203
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