
Microsoft Toolkit 2.5 Beta 3 [CODYQX4]

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Microsoft Toolkit是一款很出名的Windows/Office激活工具,最早是因为激活Office 2010出名的,另外KMSpico用的就是MTK的核心。目前最新的Microsoft Toolkit从2.5Beta3版本就已经可以激活Win8.1和Office2013了,从2.4.3版本之后支持激活PID随机化,激活不会被封杀。相较于MAK密钥,KMS激活稳定,方便,不会被封杀所以还是推荐用KMS激活的。

This is a set of tools and functions for managing licensing, deploying, and activating Microsoft Office and Windows. All output from these functions is displayed in the Information Console. All functions are run in the background and the GUI is disabled to prevent running multiple functions, as they could conflict or cause damage if run concurrently. The Microsoft Office Setup Customization Functions (Customize Setup Tab), AutoKMS Uninstaller (if AutoKMS is installed), AutoRearm Uninstaller (if AutoRearm is installed), Office Uninstaller and Product Key Checker work even if Microsoft Office or Windows is not installed/supported. For information about individual functions, see the program readme.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5 (Not 3.5)
Microsoft Office 2010 or Later for Office Toolkit Support 
Windows Vista or Later for Windows Toolkit Support

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