Jaksta Media Recorder使您能够搜索视频和音乐在不同的网站,转换并保存到计算机上。自动转换为MP3 , AVI,WMV , MP4和更多。 Jaksta媒体录像机易于使用 – 只需打开Jaksta ,然后播放你的媒体,看作为一个完美的副本保存在您的电脑上 – 甚至在剪辑播放完毕! Jaksta媒体录像机可以从支持的HTTP站点下载。选择您希望您的视频和音乐从主屏幕转换成的格式。一旦视频或音频文件被下载它就会自动转换为你。您可以保存为AVI , MPEG – 4 , WMV格式。 MP3 ,或具体到iPhone,ipad公司,苹果电视和许多其他设备的格式。寻找音乐,视频和广播流从未如此简单!
Jaksta Media Recorder for Mac 2.x | MacOSX | 22 MB
“Jaksta is the easiest way to download and convert Video, Audio and MP3s from the web to your Mac. Just open Jaksta, then play a video or song in your browser, and Jaksta saves a perfect digital copy to your Mac’s hard disc, or converts it to several popular device formats. Jaksta is the only Mac program that works with thousands of sites, including YouTube and Facebook, as well as popular music sites.”
Requirements: Mac OS X 10.8 or later, Intel processor
Release Notes (new since 1.3.3)
1.4.2 – June 23, 2015
Improvements for YouTube Live and dailymotion
Improved support for cam sites
Multiple user interface improvements
Improvement to update notifications
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