V-Ray 5 Material Library
dsgsd 4年前 (2020-12-01) 481浏览 0评论
V-Ray 5 Material Library This is V-Ray 5 Material Library for offline install. files are compressed in volume, use winrar or ...
dsgsd 4年前 (2020-12-01) 481浏览 0评论
V-Ray 5 Material Library This is V-Ray 5 Material Library for offline install. files are compressed in volume, use winrar or ...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-02-10) 418浏览 0评论
Unreal Marketplace Advanced Cel Shader Pack Shader | 375 MB The Advanced Cel Shader Pack contains a cel shader with over 40 s...
dsgsd 9年前 (2015-12-04) 367浏览 0评论
Gumroad – Urban Decay Shader Pack (physical) for Element 3D Title: Gumroad – Urban Decay Shader Pack (physical) for Element 3...
dsgsd 10年前 (2015-10-05) 351浏览 0评论
SIGERSHADERS Vol 2 for Mental Ray Shaders | 282 MB SIGERSHADERS Vol. 2 for mental ray present to you library of 50 profession...
dsgsd 10年前 (2015-09-06) 394浏览 0评论
SIGERSHADERS V-Ray Material Presets Pro 2.5.16 For 3ds Max 2010 2013 Shaders | 3.33 GB Powerful material collection for use w...
dsgsd 10年前 (2015-07-13) 474浏览 0评论
Vray shaders for maya and Arnold Shaders for maya Maya | Shaders | 32.8 MB Some start-up presets for working in Vray for maya...
dsgsd 10年前 (2015-06-08) 422浏览 0评论
Materials Lechner max | fbx | Shaders | 36 MB Materials Lechner. Download uploaded http://uploaded.net/file/3yxxorb3/yen.8615...
dsgsd 10年前 (2015-06-06) 427浏览 0评论
Brick Wall max | fbx | Shaders | 34 MB Instructions for use: In the scene is Plane modifier VrayDisplaceMod size 5.3 x1, 2m (...
dsgsd 10年前 (2015-06-06) 423浏览 0评论
Antiq Gold max | fbx | Shaders | 14 MB Material – antique gold. In the archives of the texture, the material itself, the file...
dsgsd 10年前 (2015-03-23) 438浏览 0评论
Evermotion Archshaders vol 3 for Mental Ray Shaders | 121 MB New library of 1120 professional shaders with about 500 textures...