

Gumroad – Detonation Films

Gumroad – Detonation Films

dsgsd 5年前 (2020-04-21) 332浏览 0评论

Gumroad – Detonation Films Effects and effects-related creativity since 2001. A bunch of stock footages. Includes: Brass_Pist...

CinePacks – Glow FX

CinePacks – Glow FX

dsgsd 5年前 (2020-03-04) 260浏览 0评论

  CinePacks – Glow FX Just drag these clips over your footage and adjust the blend mode to “screen”. You’ll...

CinePacks – Paint FX

CinePacks – Paint FX

dsgsd 5年前 (2020-02-19) 212浏览 0评论

CinePacks – Paint FX 4K quality, easy-to-use, and custom-made digital effects to bring your edits to the next level. Each vid...