

Absolute Textures CityScape

Absolute Textures CityScape

dsgsd 10年前 (2015-07-15) 284浏览 0评论

Absolute Textures CityScape JPEG | Textures | 645 MB We have assembled 1081 high resolution digital textures from various cit...

GameTextures.com Materials

GameTextures.com Materials

dsgsd 10年前 (2015-07-15) 195浏览 0评论

GameTextures.com Materials Shaders | 5.01 GB Here are some of the game textures broken apart from game textures com. The prev...

Gumroad – Substance Tools

Gumroad – Substance Tools

dsgsd 10年前 (2015-07-12) 275浏览 0评论

Gumroad – Substance Tools Title: Gumroad – Substance Tools Info: Tool for Substance Painter that allows users to paint an inf...