CGAxis – Blocks Exterior Concrete Walls PBR Textures
dsgsd 3年前 (2022-03-01) 198浏览 0评论
CGAxis – Blocks Exterior Concrete Walls PBR Textures. 100 PBR Textures of of raw concrete walls, panels, blocks and tiles. Ea...
dsgsd 3年前 (2022-03-01) 198浏览 0评论
CGAxis – Blocks Exterior Concrete Walls PBR Textures. 100 PBR Textures of of raw concrete walls, panels, blocks and tiles. Ea...
dsgsd 3年前 (2022-03-01) 214浏览 0评论
CGAxis – Blocks Exterior Brick Walls PBR Textures. 100 PBR Textures of highly detailed PBR brick and stone walls with various...
dsgsd 3年前 (2022-02-10) 219浏览 0评论
MAQUETTARIA 3D – Lumion Textures Bundle. 10 Textures Readymade Direct LNM (Lumion texture File Format ) Files With Previews. ...
dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-30) 186浏览 0评论
Gumroad – Imperfections for Texture and Look Dev By Zak Boxall Info: These textures are compatible with any renderer or softw...
dsgsd 3年前 (2021-12-18) 226浏览 0评论
Artstation – Smart Materials and Masks Collection Info: 25 Smart Mask For Substance Painter 25 Practical and High-Quality Sma...
dsgsd 3年前 (2021-12-11) 222浏览 0评论
Gumroad – TFM Landscape Kits Bundle Info: The Landscape Kits are a smart and easy library made to create and customize the ou...
dsgsd 3年前 (2021-12-07) 299浏览 0评论
Artstation – Materials and Brush Bundle 1 Dec 2021 Info: 50 High Quality Sci-Fi Smart Material Bundle by Pamir Bal 50 Unique ...
dsgsd 3年前 (2021-12-07) 266浏览 0评论
30 Plastic Smart Materials & PBR Textures – VOL 10 30 High Quality and Procedural Plastic Smart Materials. This pro...
dsgsd 3年前 (2021-12-06) 221浏览 0评论
Artstation – Metal Smart Materials vol 02 and High Quality Smart Material Pack 02 Info: Metal Smart Materials vol 2 25 high d...
dsgsd 3年前 (2021-12-06) 219浏览 0评论
Artstation – 100 Smart Material Bundle Info: 10 Unique Smart Material PBR Textures For Roughness And Metalness Workflow SPSM ...