dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-17) 139浏览 0评论
Team DECiBEL | 16 Apr 2023 | 2.74GB The Lyre is an ancient Greek Harp dating back to ancient Mesopotamia (2500BC). The earlie...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-17) 139浏览 0评论
Team DECiBEL | 16 Apr 2023 | 2.74GB The Lyre is an ancient Greek Harp dating back to ancient Mesopotamia (2500BC). The earlie...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-17) 113浏览 0评论
FANTASTiC | 16 April 2023 | 470 MB Lunar Landscapes offers a lush and laid-back collection of sounds inspired by modern by Ch...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-17) 104浏览 0评论
16TH APRIL 2023 |872 MB The Capital Drum Kit Series is back with it’s most resourceful kit to date! Once again, all of ...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-17) 119浏览 0评论
16TH APRIL 2023 | 1.34 GB This collection of drum loops includes a bit of everything when it comes to style. Bounce has drum ...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-17) 110浏览 0评论
16/04/2023 | WAV | 1.25 GB Kingsway Music Library is proud to present Daniel East – Vol. 1 This library features 15 ori...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-17) 110浏览 0评论
FANTASTiC | 16 April 2023 | 513 MB Escape into a soulful dreamland with Lotus Flower. This sample pack was expertly designed ...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-16) 100浏览 0评论
WAV / XPN| 652 MB MPC Expansion loaded with a wide range of instruments and drums that are perfect for Boom Bap Hip Hop that ...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-15) 123浏览 0评论
FANTASTiC | 15 April 2023 | 937 MB Harness the fury of a raging tempest inside your DAW with our latest mammoth set of immers...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-15) 141浏览 0评论
KONTAKT | 18.38 GB The most aggressive sounding drum library. Jay Weinberg is a true creative to the core. From the imagery h...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-04-15) 120浏览 0评论
FANTASTiC | 15 April 2023 | 409 MB Brandy Norwood. Many know her as Moesha, the music world knows her as Brandy but more spec...