KitBash3D Props: Cyber Streets
dsgsd 5年前 (2020-01-13) 280浏览 0评论
KitBash3D Props: Cyber Streets Info: Populate the streets of your Cyberpunk worlds with tons of kiosks, store fronts, food jo...
dsgsd 5年前 (2020-01-13) 280浏览 0评论
KitBash3D Props: Cyber Streets Info: Populate the streets of your Cyberpunk worlds with tons of kiosks, store fronts, food jo...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-14) 297浏览 0评论
KitBash3D Props: Cyber Streets Info: Populate the streets of your Cyberpunk worlds with tons of kiosks, store fronts, food jo...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-10-26) 247浏览 0评论
3D Studio Max Foundation Learn key modelling techniques & create a colourful 3D cartoon scene What you’ll learn Lea...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-10-22) 302浏览 0评论
Gumroad – Real time hair tutorial by Georgian Avasilcutei MP4 1920×1080 | Total time: 3h 31m | ENG | Project Files Inclu...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-10-17) 279浏览 0评论
KitBash3D Props: Cyber Streets Info: Populate the streets of your Cyberpunk worlds with tons of kiosks, store fronts, food jo...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-10-04) 307浏览 0评论
Duration 1h 17m MP4 Title: Skillshare – 3ds Max + Vray: Modeling Projects for Advanced Architectural Interiors Info: This pro...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-07-25) 282浏览 0评论
Step By Step Photo-Realistic Exteriors: 3ds Max + Vray – new video course by Skillshare MP4 1280×720 | Total time...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-07-18) 284浏览 0评论
Skillshare – Fire Bullets on Wall Info: In this Course we are going to learn about Bullet Firing System using Particle Flow &...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-06-30) 259浏览 0评论
Exterior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Vray : The Quickest Way Designed for all levels of 3ds Max and Vray users, you’ll ...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-06-27) 296浏览 0评论
Duration 3h 30m MP4 Gumroad – Creating Game-Ready Vegetation Info: Discover how Patrick creates a blueberry bush asset with h...