Autodesk Inventor Professional 2020.2 Update Only x64
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-08) 184浏览 0评论
File Size: 449 MB Description: Autodesk Inventor software provides professional-grade engineering solutions for 3D mechanical...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-08) 184浏览 0评论
File Size: 449 MB Description: Autodesk Inventor software provides professional-grade engineering solutions for 3D mechanical...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-07) 176浏览 0评论
File size: 360 MB ANSYS Sherlock Automated Design Analysis software is the only Reliability Physics/Physics of Failure (PoF)-...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-07) 176浏览 0评论
File size: 575 MB ANSYS CMA – the program for modeling and analysis of printed circuit boards. Advance CPM Creation Too...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-07) 170浏览 0评论
File size: 227 MB ANSYS CTA – the program for thermal analysis of printed circuit boards. Whats new: Read: CTA_2019R2.1...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-07) 212浏览 0评论
x64 | File Size: 832 MB Description: Autodesk AutoCAD 2020 design and documentation software, of the world’s leading 2D and 3...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-07) 251浏览 0评论
x64 | File Size: 690 MB Description: AutoCAD LT 2020 is designed to develop and detail 2D drawings. The program automates mos...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-06) 192浏览 0评论
SOLIDWORKS 2020 的十大新增功能:从设计到制造 零件与特征 SOLIDWORKS 2020增强了网格建模模式功能: 可以基于图形网格几何体或网格BREP几何体创建模型并添加几何特征,通过图形区域的选择分面、分面翅片和分面顶点,选择识别一...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-06) 147浏览 0评论
x86,x64 | File Size: 671/660 MB Description: E3.series is a true concurrent electrical engineering environment supporting adv...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-06) 173浏览 0评论
x64 | Language:Multilanguage | File Size: 6.57 GB Description: Siemens AG, a global powerhouse in the fields of industry, ene...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-12-05) 196浏览 0评论
CSI公司发布新版SAP2000 v21! SAP2000是集成化的通用结构分析与设计软件。 适用于桥梁、工业建筑、输电塔、设备基础、电力设施、索缆结构、运动设施、演出场所和其它一些特殊结构的设计。 自从三十前SAP诞生以来,它已经成为最新分析方法的...