Animate preview 2023-15-22.43
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-24) 98浏览 0评论
Animate preview 2023-15-22.43 | 173.0 mb The Pulsic Limited development team is pleased to announce the availability of Anima...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-24) 98浏览 0评论
Animate preview 2023-15-22.43 | 173.0 mb The Pulsic Limited development team is pleased to announce the availability of Anima...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-24) 88浏览 0评论
OpenCities Map Advanced 2023 ( | 2.0 Gb The software developer OpenCities Map is pleased to announce the availab...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-24) 105浏览 0评论
Tekla Structures 2023是Tekla公司出品的钢结构详图设计软件。Tekla Structures的功能包括3D 实体结构模型与结构分析完全整合、3D 钢结构细部设计、3D钢筋混凝土设计、专案管理、自动 Shop Drawing、B...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-24) 88浏览 0评论
x64 | File Size: 1.15 GB Description Autodesk AutoCAD 2023 design and documentation software, of the world’s leading 2D and 3...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-24) 79浏览 0评论
x64 | Language:English | File Size: 790 MB Description AutoCAD LT 2023 is designed to develop and detail 2D drawings. The pro...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-23) 176浏览 0评论
ptc creo8.0 新增功能: 一、unite technology(联合技术) 借助此版本中推出的联合技术,我们能帮助大家更有效地处理来自多个cad源的数据。联合技术解决了数据迁移挑战,能够轻松导入或打开非ptc cero文件,方便企业整合...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-22) 98浏览 0评论
File Size: 4.45 GB SolidCAM is a new generation CAD/CAM system developed by the Israeli firm SolidCAM Ltd (Official distribut...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-22) 99浏览 0评论
Descartes 2023 ( | 4.5 Gb The MicroStation development team is pleased to announce the availability of Descartes ...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-21) 178浏览 0评论
Mentor Calibre 2023.2 (16.9) | 24.2 Gb The software developer Siemens EDA (formerly Mentor Graphics) has released Calibre 202...
dsgsd 2年前 (2023-08-20) 107浏览 0评论
File Size: 32.16 GB Localized HTML help for Siemens NX-2306 Series (NX-2306.XXXX) Add. Information : Composition of distribut...