Digital Video – July 2016-P2P
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 246浏览 0评论
Since 1993, DV (Digital Video) Magazine has served the information needs of professionals involved in the production, postpro...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 246浏览 0评论
Since 1993, DV (Digital Video) Magazine has served the information needs of professionals involved in the production, postpro...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 218浏览 0评论
Since 1981, What’s New in Electronics has provided the professional electronics industry with its premier source of new produ...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 190浏览 0评论
If you are running a web host or web space reseller then the chances are you’ll be using WebHost Manager. This book shows you...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 326浏览 0评论
500 years ago no-one died of stress: we invented this concept and now we let it rule us. We might have evolved to be able to ...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 253浏览 0评论
Conquer The Command Line, the first in The MagPi Essentials book range, is designed to help you learn to love the command lin...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 242浏览 0评论
Coding doesn’t just have to be about typing in line after line of gobbledygook. Created by the boffins at MIT, Scratch enable...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 216浏览 0评论
The 3rd book in The MagPi Essentials range, , introduces you to one of the most powerful add-on boards ever made for the Rasp...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 254浏览 0评论
Computer News, Reviews, and How-to Projects. Maximum PC is the magazine that every computer geek, PC gamer, or content creato...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 252浏览 0评论
Mac|Life provides exclusive, authoritative information and advice for readers who want to get the most out of their Macs, iPo...
dsgsd 9年前 (2016-06-29) 252浏览 0评论
PhotoPlus will help you take better photos, through a mixture of jargon-free guides, essential D-SLR and photographic techniq...