Eador Masters of The Broken World MULTi5-PROPHET
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-17) 293浏览 0评论
Group PROPHET has released the MULTi5 version of pc game “Eador Masters of The Broken World”. Enjoy! Description: Eador: Mast...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-17) 293浏览 0评论
Group PROPHET has released the MULTi5 version of pc game “Eador Masters of The Broken World”. Enjoy! Description: Eador: Mast...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-17) 256浏览 0评论
P2P released the updated version of Monument Valley for iOS. Description: Monument Valley is a surreal exploration through fa...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-17) 265浏览 0评论
如何在你自私的野心与家庭的和谐间做出选择?如何通过一个又一个微小的决定让每一个家庭成员都感到开心?这些是《小说家(The Novelist)》向玩家提出的问题。尽管游戏对这些问题的解答并不十分出色,但其勇于在游戏中提出这样的内容已经值得玩家在上面花上...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-17) 240浏览 0评论
IREM经典街机游戏套装。共包含18个游戏:Kung-Fu Master, Vigilante, Ninja Spirit,R-Type Leo, Air Duel, Battle Chopper, Cosmic Cop, Dragon Breed,...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-16) 225浏览 0评论
BAT has released the the newest Update for “Kings Bounty Warriors”. A text list of fixes/updates is included in the pack. Mai...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-15) 264浏览 0评论
TE released Dark Strokes: The Legend of Snow Kingdom Collector’s Edition for PC. Description: Inspired by the timeless tales ...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-15) 260浏览 0评论
《光晕:斯巴达突袭》首次将《光晕》系列游戏体验带到Steam平台。 随着你不断探寻《光晕4》中“斯巴达行动”(Spartan Ops)的起源,你将会在30个激烈的关卡中遇见来自星盟(Covenant)的各种敌人。 是时候加入这场突袭行动了,斯巴达...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-15) 322浏览 0评论
COMPLEX released LEGO The Hobbit for Xbox 360. Description: From the makers of the immensely popular LEGO The Lord of the Rin...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-15) 266浏览 0评论
NoGRP has released new game for Xbox360 Description: Set in a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall gives players the...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-15) 253浏览 0评论
ACCiDENT released LEGO The Hobbit for PS3. Description: From the makers of the immensely popular LEGO The Lord of the Rings, ...