dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-12) 259浏览 0评论
CODEX has released the new platformer game “Spate” for PC. Description: Spate is a surreal platformer by former Disney Animat...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-12) 259浏览 0评论
CODEX has released the new platformer game “Spate” for PC. Description: Spate is a surreal platformer by former Disney Animat...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-12) 251浏览 0评论
Group iMARS has released XboX360 version of the game “Don Bradman Cricket 14″. Enjoy! Description: Don Bradman Cricket 14 bri...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 306浏览 0评论
REVOLT released SPATE for PC. Description: Spate is a surreal platformer by former Disney Animation and Jim Henson artist Eri...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 313浏览 0评论
REVOLT released the updated version of FORCED for PC. Description: Forced is a one- to four-player co-op arcade action RPG wi...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 266浏览 0评论
DeBTPDA released the updated version of Worms 2: Armageddon for Android. Description: Grab your grenades and prepare for batt...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 312浏览 0评论
DeBTPDA released the updated version of Violett for Android. Description: Rack your brain on intricate puzzles that will allo...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 282浏览 0评论
DeBTPDA released the updated version of Sudoku Samurai for Android. Description: Sudoku Samurai comes to Android devices in t...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 292浏览 0评论
异形地球战区Anomaly Warzone Earth HD是2011年度WWDC苹果设计大奖得奖作品。游戏凭借着与传统塔防不一样的主线视角,来让玩家体验到作为 “入侵”一方,在面对防守方时的那种四处被打的感觉。在画面表现形式上,将会是3D的类型。整...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 328浏览 0评论
《吟唱勇士 Bardbarian》不仅将音乐和动作进行了整合尝试,而且还加入了塔防、策略以及RPG 等多种元素,将游戏的多样性这一特点展现得淋漓尽致,实乃大胆又新颖的尝试。 游戏采用 2D 画面,整体的配色中规中矩,并无十分出彩之处。不过,游戏在角色...
dsgsd 11年前 (2014-03-11) 285浏览 0评论
由Reiza开发的巴西房车锦标赛,获得真实车队和车手的支持,模拟巴西自动竞速赛2012赛季,34支车队在全国范围内进行比赛。 Description: Developed by Reiza Studios with support from real...