

The Yawhg Cracked-3DM

The Yawhg Cracked-3DM

dsgsd 11年前 (2014-02-03) 242浏览 0评论

3DM has released “The Yawhg” for PC. I highly recommend The Yawhg to anybody that loves story-driven games! Description: The ...

Divinity Dragon Commander Imperial Edition MULTi5-PROPHET

Divinity Dragon Commander Imperial Edition MULTi5-PROPHET

dsgsd 11年前 (2014-02-03) 266浏览 0评论

 Larian公布了旗下策略类游戏《神界:龙之指挥官》的预告片,背景设定在神界宇宙,这个奇特的次元拥有着诸多种族,魔法与力量充斥着那个世界,一场混战注定要拉开序幕。     本作为一款定位为系列外传的最新作品,游戏将不会跟之前一样採用动作RPG的形式...

Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition-RELOADED

Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition-RELOADED

dsgsd 11年前 (2014-02-03) 252浏览 0评论


Shadowrun Dragonfall-RELOADED

Shadowrun Dragonfall-RELOADED

dsgsd 11年前 (2014-02-03) 214浏览 0评论

RELOADED has released the indie game “Shadowrun Dragonfall” for PC. This release is standalone and does not require any other...