饥荒 Dont Starve v1.85089-TE
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-24) 278浏览 0评论
《饥荒》是款动作冒险类(ACT)游戏,故事是关于一名科学家被恶魔传送到了异世界荒野。他必须用自己的智慧在严酷的野外环境中求生。差不多就是《东京丛林》加上能灵巧活动的双手,或者《我的世界》加上消化系统。 Don’t Starve ...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-24) 278浏览 0评论
《饥荒》是款动作冒险类(ACT)游戏,故事是关于一名科学家被恶魔传送到了异世界荒野。他必须用自己的智慧在严酷的野外环境中求生。差不多就是《东京丛林》加上能灵巧活动的双手,或者《我的世界》加上消化系统。 Don’t Starve ...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-08) 275浏览 0评论
SKIDROW released Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition for PC. Description: Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition expands the criti...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-08) 250浏览 0评论
Group iMARS has released the PS3 version of the game “The Bureau XCOM Declassified”. Enjoy! Description: The battle of humans...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-08) 254浏览 0评论
Scene group WaLMaRT has released the game “Gone Home”. Enjoy! Description: June 7th, 1995. 1:15 AM You arrive home after a ye...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-07) 274浏览 0评论
3DM with another indie game cracked, this is the alpha version of 7 Days to Die for PC Windows, enjoy. Description: 7 Days to...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-07) 270浏览 0评论
Gone Home finally cracked by … P2P group 3DM, just look at the review on Metacritic. Description: June 7th, 1995. 1:15 AM You...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-07) 296浏览 0评论
New puzzle game from Alawar is released by DELiGHT. Enjoy! Description: Carve a path through an unforgiving wilderness to res...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-07) 276浏览 0评论
3DM with the last up to date build of Mark of the Ninja, it’s the full game with the last DLC available! Description: Mark of...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-07) 263浏览 0评论
PROTON released Disney Infinity for PS3. Description: Disney’s Infinity is a unique toy based video game where a spark of ima...
dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-07) 267浏览 0评论
Group VACE has released a small shooter game “Pester”. Enjoy! Description: Prepare to be Pestered, in a good way! Pester is a...