

Europa Universalis IV-FLT

Europa Universalis IV-FLT

dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-02) 249浏览 0评论

No holiday for scene group Fairlight, they have just released the 4th game of the Europa Universalis “saga”, enjoy. Descripti...



dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-02) 230浏览 0评论

Description: PAYDAY 2 is an action-packed, four-player co-op shooter that once again lets gamers don the masks of the origina...



dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-02) 279浏览 0评论

P2P group ALI213 cracked HammerWatch for PC. Enjoy! Description: A hack and slash action adventure, set in a fantasy pixel ar...

Guacamelee Update 1-ALI213

Guacamelee Update 1-ALI213

dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-02) 287浏览 0评论

ALI213 released Update 1 of Guacamelee for PC. No changelog available. Enjoy! Release name: Guacamelee.Update1-ALI213 Size: 3...

Amazon Chess v3.3-RAiN

Amazon Chess v3.3-RAiN

dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-02) 278浏览 0评论

RAiN group released Amazon Chess 3.3, nice mod of classic chess game. Play chess against a Queen of Amazons! Description: If ...

Fort Defense v1.0-TE

Fort Defense v1.0-TE

dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-02) 272浏览 0评论

TE has released the game “Fort Defense”. Welcome to the unique pirate-style tower defense. Now the battle rages on by land an...

Citadels Update 2-FLTDOX 城堡

Citadels Update 2-FLTDOX 城堡

dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-01) 275浏览 0评论

城堡 Update 2升级补丁   Scene group FLT released Update 2 of Citadels for PC. Changelog is here. Enjoy! Release name: Citadels...

Guncraft-ALI213 枪的世界

Guncraft-ALI213 枪的世界

dsgsd 12年前 (2013-08-01) 277浏览 0评论

Exato Game Studios制作的“我的世界”画面风格第一人称射击游戏《枪的世界》(Guncraft)将于年内登陆PC。   本作是类似于《我的世界》那种像素复古风格,玩家可以轻松地定制游戏环境、制作游戏关卡,把游戏打造成一个可完全摧毁的《现...